》18. I think I've made my feelings for you very obvious《

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Chapter 18: I think I've made my feelings for you very obvious


I exhaled sharply. "What?"

"I'm bored."

"That's it. I've had enough. You've said that fifteen times now," I raised my hand and flicked his face without taking my eyes off the road.

"Ow! My eye!"

I pressed by lips together to stifle a laugh.

We'd been on the road for six hours now and were on the highway. It was just about turning noon and although the sun was high up in the sky, looming grey clouds hung above our head, threatening rainfall. We hadn't stopped once given that we had snacks packed in the bag and neither of us had to use the bathroom.

"Okay. I'll stop at the next service station and we'll stretch our legs and grab something to eat," I told him.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him slouch further and he sighed in an exaggerated manner. "Okay," he mumbled.

I resisted the urge to laugh at his childish behaviour. A beeping noise stopped me from thinking about Aiden.

"What is that?"

I ignored Aiden and glanced down at the guardian which had made the alerting sound. It was acting as a navigator right now, although I had already memorized the route to the safe house. Sparing a glance at the road, I zoomed in on the phone-sized screen. Red colours indicated a threat. I tapped on the screen three times and writing appeared.

I sucked in a breath.


"What?" Aiden asked.

My hands tightened on the steering wheel and I turned my gaze to the rearview mirror. "It's alerting us that there are guns in a car a few cars behind us," I explained to him.

I sensed Aiden's posture stiffen. "This is America. Everyone has guns," he declared.

I nodded and exhaled a breath to calm myself. "You're right."

I continued driving and kept looking at the mirror in caution. When the guardian indicated the car getting closer, I clenched my fingers around the steering wheel. The silver car began to drive beside us on the next lane and I held in my breath. When it went past us, my entire body relaxed.

"You were right," I whispered. "Just another car."

Aiden nodded and cleared his throat. "I'm always right."

I rolled my eyes at his arrogant behaviour. A comfortable silence settled within the car. I drove for the next hour and parked at the closest service station.

"Finally," Aiden groaned as he stretched his legs.

I smiled and imitated his actions, rolling my shoulders back. I took in my surroundings and noticed various food places scattering the area: McDonald's, KFC, Subway, Starbucks.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked and gestured with my hand at all the options.

Aiden sent me a wicked grin. "Everything."

And that's how we ended up seated at the hood of our car, with food spread out in between us.

Aiden shook his head as he finished chewing the last of his big mac. "No more," he said and held his stomach.

I scoffed. "Really?" I bit into my fried chicken wing.

Aiden chuckled at me with a look of bewilderment. "How do you fit all that food into that tiny body of yours?"

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