》1. I have a new assignment for you《

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Chapter 1: I have a new assignment for you

I raised my gun and slammed the back of it into the man’s face; a satisfying crack met my ears. Before he could react, I raised my knee and hit his throat, rendering him unconscious.

With my breathing still ragged, I whirled around with a roundhouse kick to my opponent's stomach just in time. He fell to the ground and I pressed my foot down on his chest to keep him still.

My silver locket flickered red and I took my phone out, calling Kate while simultaneously putting my gun into the waistband of my jeans.

"Mr. Brown wants to see you,” she said.

I ran a hand through my tangled hair. “Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Tucking my phone away, I peered down at the bulky man beneath my shoe. Blood dripped down the side of his head as he glared at me, seething.

“Well, this was fun,” I said and gave him a little, teasing nudge with my boot. I turned him around and cuffed his wrists behind his back. “But I’m going to have to go now. Don’t bother running, my people are coming to pick you up in a few seconds.”

I shot him a wink which he returned with a snarl of his own before walking to the unconscious man laying on the ground. Cuffing him as well, I grabbed my leather jacket off the ground and smirked.

“I hope not to see you again, boys.”

The conscious man snarled at my taunting tone as I waved my fingers at him.

I walked further into the alley, out of sight, and waited. Within seconds, agents swarmed the area. Once the men were secured in the van, I turned away.

Checking my surroundings, I pressed on the small button on my watch. I was immediately teleported to HQ. I remember when I first teleported somewhere; I thought I was going to puke from the quick and instant rush that swept across my body.

Teleporters were still a work-in-progress given that they were invented by HAC a few years ago. So far it only allowed teleportation to a certain limit; it wasn’t like I could teleport to Paris free of charge, unfortunately.

I stood in front of the HQ entrance. The main head quarters for High Agency Corps. It was based just outside London in Epping Forest where the deep woods and tall trees deterred anyone from passing by.

I walked to the large rock and pressed my palm against the place where I knew the scanner would be. It authorised my entrance and the ground shook beneath my feet before the muddy grass split open and a small lift arose from under.

I stepped inside and the silver doors closed as I felt the lift going back underground. The heavy doors slid open once more twenty seconds later. A simple white wall welcomed me. The lift was centred in a small room, surrounded by four white walls. I walked up to the wall in front of me and pressed my thumb against it. The scanner recognised my thumbprint and then a small box jutted out of the wall. I sighed and typed in my personal code and then let it scan my eye.

Finally, I was fully authorised to walk inside.

The security in this place was frustratingly good.

The wall rose before my eyes and I was welcomed to the hustle and bustle of HQ. Multiple agents walked by, talking into their ear piece and others running errands.

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