Chapter 17

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camden pov

I began to look around my surroundings. Its dark and there are figures in the distance talking in hushed voices. I'm lying down on my right side facing them. The appearance of the place is nice. The bed i'm in is comfortable enough I can't complain. 

"He has to know where she is.."

"But what if he doesn't? He wanted to reject her. He caused her pain. He shouldn't be here right now." a deeper voice said in a hostile tone. We'll damn thanks buddy.  

I close one eye and keep one a little bit open to try to see their silhouettes. The one with the deeper voice is I believe is tall and very well built but the other one is also equally well built but not tall enough. Its still dark to not see their face or to see the color of their clothes. I want to go to them but I begin to wonder if Astor took me hostage. They had to have mentioned Lu. And in the process of taking me want her location as well. I don't think this can end well if they begin to torture me. I begin to look around to see if there is an exit. There is a window but it has cell bars that are making the hairs on my neck stand. But if they do torture me I know I won't give up Lu's location.  

They begin to talk more in hushed voices and then I see one of them face me. Their eyes are bright yellow and a mix of red. I quickly shut my eyes closed but I know my heart rate will give me up that I'm awake. I try to lower my heart rate but their coming closer by the sounds of their heavy foot steps coming closer and closer to where I am laying down.  

"We know you are awake Camden don't act dumb okay." said the deeper voice. I opened my eyes to see the man his eyes are vivid, his beard has him age a lot more then he should be, and with his figure he presents himself as a warrior. I slowly began to sit and place my feet on the cold wooden floor. My fist are balled up ready to fight at any given moment if needed. 

"Calm down Camden we are not going to hurt you. There is no reason to hurt you. We are not with Astor." I began to eye him and the other man. The other man looked younger then he was but appeared to be a warrior as well. He didn't have a beard like the first man did but his demeanor was still dark. "My name is Donovan and this man next to me is Marcus . We are not working with the rogues. We are under the rule of Queen Aluisa but you know her as Lu, your mate."

I began to look at him puzzled I have known her since she was a baby. We have been in the same pack since birth. How was it possible for her to be queen. Her parents are warriors for the pack and have been with us in the pack for years. How can she be a queen? 

"You have many questions and we can tell. But before you can doubt anything we are going to tell you because we had kidnapped you, I want you think of something in your mind right now." Donovan said. 

I began to think about Lu when we were younger around the age of six years old. The first time I knew I had feeling for her, I had watched her and Emerson playing on the swings and I couldn't help but fall in love with her as she was laughing so carefree and the way her long hair moved through the wind. I had never thought she was any less even though it had always seemed like that. But I knew that Emerson could take care of her in the ways I couldn't. Be there for her in a way I could never be because of the bond that they have with one another. I had always wanted that with her and to find out we were mates made my heart soar but at the same time I knew what I had been doing the last couple of years I will never be able to have any relationship with the woman of my dreams. 

"You are thinking of Lu when she was younger. And how much you love her and will do anything to protect her, as cliche as it is you want to make her the most happiest she can be and for her to be safe. I know all of this and the image of her laughing and her long hair that you love so much because I can read and see through your thoughts. Something not even witches and wizards alone are able to posses now. These abilities are only passed down through pure warrior blood. " I couldn't help but be stunned at what he was telling me right now. How is this all possible? "This is all possible to the Queen Aluisa was able to reach out to the last remaining witch that was on the side of the rogues. She had came with her an agreement. She had wanted true warriors but in exchange for true warriors she would protect her and promise her that no harm will come her way. But the price of this was a piece of her soul . And with that the witch had agreed but also didn't tell her that her soul would be reincarnated at the right moment as the war would begin. As you know Alpha Aden is the curse child of the First war. His is the child of the beta and the queen but the queen had loved him regardless of him not being the child of the king. We were kept hidden from this war because as true warriors we are hybrids. We were created out of the blood of different species. Alpha Aden doesn't know our existence  in this world but we were always instructed to keep an eye on him until the Queen Aluisa was reincarnated." I was stunned at all this new information that was given to me. The beginnings of the war was always kept a secret from everyone due to reasons that the vampires wanted more land and power interrupting the peace but as time went on we were beginning to forget about the war and what had happened. It was centuries go that  it became a history lesson and something that would not repeated again. "Alpha Aden knows the motive of the war but he doesn't know what had happened after the war. The queens health had diminished after she gave a part of her soul to the witch which is why she had died as Alpha Aden entered his teenage years. His father, the king, had entered a downward spiral of wanting to end Astor once he had killed the beta. Astor had taken advantage of the beta in order to begin the war. And with all that is said this hopefully explained some of your questioning with us. 

My mind was still in shock as was the rest of my body. How was all of this possible. All of this going on and not everyone is aware of it. "Come now Camden we have to show you some more things that I think will help you fully understand what is going on here." I began to walk with Donovan and Marcus and as we passed the door the surroundings were as bright as day. And after we passed a second set of doors down the corridor. I couldn't believe my eyes. 


Hello everyone! It has been couples of months since I had posted an update on this story and I am very sorry about it. I have been busy within my own personal life.But I want to be able to continue this story till the end!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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