Chapter 13

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Emerson and I looked at one another with shock. Everything is moving so fast but I need to keep one foot on the ground and keep it all grounded. 

"Common Lu I'll help you pack and then can you help me pack?"

"Yeah sure for sure." 

We grabbed two of my luggage backs that I put it on my bed and started packing. I knew that the next couples of months were going to be hard so packing shouldn't be so bad. 

"Hey Lu."

"Yeah Em?"

He turned to me and looked straight at me.  "We really need to talk about us being mates and the whole deal with that please. I know its  hard to understand and the fact that everything is going on right now but we need to talk about it please Lu." 

"Em its hard for me to take us being mates in my wolf and I feel it but still you've been our longest friend. My bestest friend. The only person who's had my back since the beginning and I don't know what I would do without you. But your my other half along with dipshit who isn't my mate anymore but I wanna give us a try at being mates. But we should tell both of our parents whats going on and us being mates and leaving you know?" I said hugging him. 

"Okay yeah that's true" he said as he kissed my forehead. "I respect you wanting to go slow with how things have been lately and I'll spend the rest of life showing you how much I care about you and we only have the rest of our lives for that." 

My heart began to melt when he said that. I knew he truly meant that and that us being mates is a good thing and wouldn't make anything as weird as I thought they would be. 

"Common Em we still have a lot to pack for and you still need to pack if you forgot" I said punching him lightly before we resumed to pack my things. 

It took an hour packing everything from my clothes to small things like my (of course) makeup for the trip ahead.  I looked at the picture frame I had of my parents and I along with Emerson and took it out of the frame and stuffed it into my back pocket because I knew I wanted to keep a part of my small family with me. As Emerson went to his car and put my things in the trunk I looked at the shed knowing that if I would come back things won't be the same once I come back. That harsh reality of things were going to change made me want to hold onto the hope that the war wouldn't be as bad as I knew deep down they were going to be. 

"Common Lu! We gotta leave sometime today before Alpha Aden changes his mind." He said as he got into the car starting the engine. 

I hope that this wouldn't be the last time I would see this place but I knew things were going to change. 

I got into the passengers side as we headed off we were in a comfortable silence for a while and he then grabbed my hand and began to hold my hand. I then looked out of the window.  As we drove to his house that was near the pack house I was admiring the view. I looked at all the happy  memories I had. Ones were I wasn't tormented by my so called mate. The ones when I was young and with my parents running around in the field. 

We were so use to having time for one another before pack business got so busy. We use to have Friday game nights with Emerson's family which had us bond even more. And eventually lead Emerson and I to be friends till the end of the time and that was what the mate bond between us deepen our feelings for one another. 

I knew that the fact Emerson was my mate and as well with Camden that they couldn't find another mate. It's not everyday that someone rejects their mate because mates are seen as a blessing then something to reject and it goes as well with my situation of being a hybrid. 

"Hey Emmy?" I said turning to him.

"Yeah Lu?" he said still staring at the road ahead. 

"When did you find out that we were mates?" He knew that Camden was my mate. Camden being the class A jackass he was and Emerson being my best friend who knew me like the back of his hand. 

I saw Emerson sigh as he looked at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road  but I knew that he was in deep thought as he gripped my hand a little tighter then before. 

"Lu I'm going to be completely honest with you. I always had feelings for you. The moment we met years ago because of our parent being best friends. I got excited every time I saw you or knew that you were coming. I tried my hardest to make you happy any way that I could. As we got older that girl in that high pony tail turned into this somehow mature teenager. I wanted to beat Camden and those who thought you were disgusting. I wanted to show them something to fear but I knew that being by your side and being your best friend in your lowest times I could help you. The more we hung out as we got older got harder for me. When we were 16 and I was over your house sleeping over I turned to you and saw you silently crying in your sleep. I don't think you noticed but that was the moment I knew my feelings for you had gotten stronger. I held you in my arms that same night and everything felt like it was coming to place. With that simple gesture of holding you in my arms made me scared of the future the moment you would turn 18 or when I would find my mate. To be honest I didn't want to find my mate. I wanted to be by your side but I knew the moment you found your mate would be the moment my heart would break. But I was happy holding you in my arms almost every night. Making you laugh constantly till you snorted. I was content being by your side as a friend. That had changed for me when your 18th birthday came around. I woke up to smelling the most mesmerizing smell of strawberry's and chocolate and found that smell coming from the one I was holding, You. I wanted to claim you and tell you the truth about us being mates but I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. I was going to wait for your cotillion party to die down and take you to the lake near by and tell you as we had a small picnic in the moonlight against the water. But that moment was taken away when that vampire had come and I knew it would be hard for me to tell you. I didn't want to tell you the way I did but I knew you were leaving and then these feelings of our mate bond would be complicated and I don't know what the distance would do to us. I have always loved you Lu and I will never stop loving you even when I pass away I will love you." As Emerson was silent we were in the driveway of his house I was beyond speechless. My wolf and I were in a mix of emotions and I knew that I had to do one thing. 

I leaned in and grabbed the back of his head gently to mine as I laid my lips on his and everything made sense to me somehow. 

He deepened the kiss by gently entangling his hands into my hair but his kiss was so gentle and passionate. 


We both pulled apart from one another so fast to see our parents on Emerson's side. My dad was furious, while his dad had his arms crossed, and both of our mothers were hugging each other happy beyond belief.

Oh boy...


I hope you all enjoyed this update!

I wanted to give Emerson and Lu's relationship more depth and more emotion to it then just being a war/rejection/pain type of story and give it some loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



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