Chapter 6

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The cotillion immediately ended.

It had turned to one of her best day to war. The alphas who were there were having a meeting currently of what to do. Lu had changed from her cotillion dress to black long sleeves, some denim black jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. 

She was sitting near the pond where she called her sanctuary. Only Emerson and her had known of this place. The pond was within the pack but no one would venture through because they loved the safety of being near the pack houses. Only those who would patrol the boarder are comfortable. 

She imagined how everyone was in high alert. Since all the males could shift into wolves but most of the women couldn't shift unless they had alpha, beta, third of command, or enforcer blood or if they mated someone of those rankings.

"Lu." I turned to see Emerson. He was still in his suit. Wow I didn't realize that he.... I need to stop thinking about him this way. 

"Yeah Em?" I asked him not keeping my eyes off the water. 

"I know your thinking about the war that's coming. Lu everything will be okay." He said sitting next to me wrapping his arm around me.

"I know Emmy but I'm afraid. He wants me. I talked to my wolf before I shifted. She had mentioned something about this but now it makes more sense.

Lu everything will be okay. You are stronger with me now.  Celeste said to her. 

"I will always protect you until the day I die I will protect you." He said looking straight at me. 

I then heard Celeste pur. What the heck.

"Emmy don't say that you won't die. We don't know what will happen but we'll be okay. We will defeat him as well." I said looking back at him. His green eyes held something in them I can't tell. 

"No Lu i'm serious. It's coming but I will always be there for you and I will protect you. This war is coming and we don't know whats going to happen but I will protect you." He said holding onto my hand .


Suddenly a growl ripped away that sweet moment between Emerson and I. I didn't even realize he was here.

"mate" Celeste said quietly.. She knew that Camden didn't want  a mate and he wouldn't accept us right away. 

"What did I tell you warlock." he growled at Emerson.

"You don't control me Alpha." Emerson snarled back at him. 

"I am your Alpha." 

"What are you doing Camden." I turned to him. 

The pull was immediate but I couldn't let it control me. 


"Please stop. You made it clear you don't want us to be together.  A war is something and we need to focus on that before anything I else." I said as I began to stand up. Hand in hand with Emerson as we walked towards the pack house.

I won't give up on my people.

-==========-The pack house-================-

"Lu I need to speak to you." I turned to see Alpha Erick and my father.  As soon as he saw Emerson and I.

I looked at Emerson and he gave me a smile smile. As he probably went to talk to his mom. 

"Yes Alpha." we had walked towards the Alphas office.

"Lu you are of the rarest wolves. After that scum had come in declaring war the alphas across the world had agreed to join together and prepare for war. With preparing for war we want you to be kept in secret." Alpha Erick said. 

"Alpha I don't think keeping me in secret would be a good idea."

"Lu your too valuable to be captured by the vampires."

"Alpha let me fight. I want to stay in order to protect our people."

"Lu I know you've been training hard but I don't think its enough."

"Alpha please. I know I need more training but I can't just hide away while everyone is battling. Please" I said, "I want to train hard. Send to the Sundown pack and let me train with them. They are have the strongest warriors along with other supernatural creatures who will help." 

"Lu I see your point but..."

"Please Alpha. Let me talk to Alpha Aden to work something out and if he says no then I will go into hiding but if he says yes I will stay with Alpha Aden for 4 months in order to train." I said to him

"Okay Lu. I agree."

Now time to see Alpha Aden. 



I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter

And I'll continue to work on the upcoming chapters before my classes start getting intense! 

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