Chapter 10

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"Yes?" I asked Emerson.

"Are you hungry?" he asked me.

"You know me so well Emmy." I said as we headed to our favorite coffee shop that had some really good pies. If I could describe it its so close to heaven.

As we sat down he looked nervous. "Emmy whats wrong?" 

"I have to tell you something Lu and I know it won't make a lot of sense but I know your wolf understands." he said to me fiddling with his fingers. 

"Well common Emmy you can tell me anything." I told him holding his hand and reassuring him.

"You know how hybrids have two mates..." he told me.


"Well Emmy I know you feel something about us. Probably not as much as I feel something but something is there and its because were..."

"well well we what do we have here?" 

We turned to see Camden and his best friend and beta Sam with him. 

"Now what do you both want?" Lu asked Sam not making eye contact with Camden. Lu didn't wanna look into his eyes. She felt the attraction but she knew she couldn't be with anyone  

"We wanted to talk to Lu. Jeez Emerson calm down a bit why don't you." Sam said coming to hug Lu.

Lu and Sam have always been somewhat of friends. Not the best of friends but Sam had respected Lu for becoming the packs fighter and working hard. Sam and Lu would train occasionally but lately there was no time for that. Camden made a huge influence of not liking hybrids and seeing them as impure. Sam was against Camden's views of hybrids and other supernatural creatures.

"Sammy its good to see you too." Lu said giving Sam a small hug back.

"I heard your leaving to another pack. Don't worry the pack here will be okay. You know these guns are impenetrable. " Sam said to Lu flexing his muscles. Sam was always arrogant in some way when it came to Lu and other girls. Deep down Lu knew that he wanted his mate and wishes for him to have his mate but didn't want to show it to others. Sam was always the player in the pack. While Camden was the silent type. Lu never knew if he had a girlfriend or not that she wanted to know. 

Lu laughed and lightly punched him knowing that he can be arrogant at times but still was a good guy deep down. They would have occasional talks about mates and coming from different species. Lu had seen Sam as a good guy but not really so a friend. Lu never told him in depth of her feelings or other personal stuff. Sam knew she was a reserved person but still had a caring heart towards others. 

"Lu Lu!" A little boy came running along with some other children. Lu had loved children with all her heart. She would be at the pack house occasionally with the children by either training, tutoring, or even just playing with them.

"My kiddies! I've missed you all so much." Camden looked at Lu who was getting tackled and hugged by the little boys and girls and couldn't help but have his heart melt. His wolf was proud and in awe of how much these little kids loved her. He wanted her to see he changed but he knew that it wasn't going to be easy. He had shunned her and bullied her constantly because he thought that being mixed was horrendous. Boy was he wrong for thinking that way when he found out Lu was his mate. He always felt a bond with her but he thought that bond was out of disgust rather then a mate bond. He wanted to make it up to her but knew that he had little to no chance with being with her. He saw how Emerson looked at her. He envied that Emerson knew her inside and out. He saw how Emerson would protect her and it broke his heart. He wanted to be her best friend. He felt a shift of Emerson's feelings towards Lu. Camden knew hybrids had two mates because of them being two different species. He thought of Emerson being her mate. He knew his actions could lose her forever. But he wanted to change. Change because no one else would claim his heart like Lu did.

"LuLu! You looked so pretty with your poofy dress. I want a dress like that!" A little girl said to Lu.

"Maybe when your older you can have a birthday party like mine."She said kissing her forehead.

" I wanna be a pretty princess."

" I wanna be a fighter!" said a little boy crossing his arms.

"You will be one day Harry don't worry." Lu said to him. "My kiddies I have to leave for a little bit for a while but I promise I will be right back okay. I have to do some pack business near by."

"No! You can't leave us!"

"Yeah!" all the other kids yelled.

"Hey Hey now don't be upset I won't be gone for that long. Also I won't be gone forever okay. We will have a ice cream party later today okay?" she said to them. They all cheered and said their see you later's to Lu as they walked away.

Emerson looked at Lu determined to tell her his feelings and her being his mate but Camden on the other hand had other plans..........



sorry its been a while since I had updated but spring break is coming around and I am hoping to update it with a few more chapters while I'm on spring break to catch up with the story

I hope you all are doing good and having a amazing day!

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