Part 87 - Overnight Stay

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After a few hours Aniyah was in Kaiden's room and Kale and Mason we're outside guarding the door and Camila and Jax we're out at the vending machines.

Aniyah leaned down and grabbed Kaiden's hands and she brought them to her face and she kissed them, tears fell out of her eyes and she said "Please don't leave me.."

Kaiden's eyes we're closed, he was breathing lightly and he wasn't moving at all, Aniyah said "You're all I want please.. Kaiden I need you."

Blake and Justin walked into the room after Mason and Kale hugged him and Blake and Justin saw Aniyah crying hysterically and Aniyah looked up at Blake and then back down at Kaiden and said "Blake is up.. He's awake.. so you gotta come back, for us both. Okay?"

Blake looked around and said "Franklyn not here?"

Justin said "Oh.. umm.. Blake.. Franklyn died."

Blake looked at him instantly and said "What?" With pain in his voice.

Justin said "He had lung cancer, and it was to the point where no treatment will help.. He made the choice he wanted."

Blake wiped his eyes before tears fell and he looked at Kaiden and Aniyah crawled onto the bed and layed her head on his chest and Aniyah was crying hard.

Kaiden opened his eyes and Blake and Justin's eyes lit up with excitement and Kaiden said "Aniyah. Please remove your head from the wound in my chest."

Aniyah sat up and she looked at him and said "I thought you were dying!"

Kaiden sat up and said "No. I said I'm not leaving you. I tend to keep that promise."

Aniyah hugged him tightly and Kaiden hugged her back and Aniyah said "There's someone here you might want too see."

Aniyah unhugged him and got out of bed and Kaiden looked at Blake and his eyes widened and he said "Bl-ake? Aniyah please tell me I'm not dreaming."

Aniyah laughed and said "You aren't.. He woke up a few hours ago."

Blake walked over to Kaiden and Kaiden pulled him into a hug and said "Holy shit.."

Blake laughed and said "I heard everything you said Kaiden." He looked at Aniyah and said "and other "things"

Aniyah laughed nervously and Kaiden said "Oh.."

Blake said "It's fine. Just. Try to keep down if I ever get in a coma again."

Kaiden punched Blake in the stomach and said "Don't say that!"

Blake let go of him and coughed in pain and said "Jesus. First day I'm back and your already hitting me."

Kaiden shrugged and the doctor walked in and said "Kaiden, you're awake. Are you having problems?"

Kaiden said "Uhh no."

The doctor said "You can move your arm okay? No pain?"

Kaiden said "Pain is fine, and yes I can move my arm."

Camila and Jax walked in and Jax said "BLAKE!?"

Blake looked at Jax and they hugged instantly and Jax said "What the fuck! Why didn't anyone tell me!!"

Everyone laughed and the doctor said "I advise you to stay overnight, and then if no problems you can head home."

Kaiden got out of bed and said "I'm fine. I've been shot before."

Aniyah pushed him down and said "You are staying!"

Kaiden said "Alright Alright, jeez."

Blake looked at Justin and said "She's got him on a lock huh."

Justin laughed and said "ohh yeahh, your brother has changed alot."

Blake looked at Aniyah yelling at Kaiden and said "I see that."

Aniyah said "You almost died! You are staying!"

Kaiden said "Aniyah. I am fine, I'm-" Aniyah said "Don't wanna hear it."

Kaiden raised an eyebrow and sighed and said "Fine." And layed back in his bed.

Aniyah smiled and said "Good."

Aniyah said "You hungry?"

Kaiden looked at her and winked and licked his bottom lip slowly, Aniyah crossed her arms and said "For food."

Kaiden groaned and said "I had a really good breakfast. Kind of want that again."

Camila said "What did you have?"

Kaiden said "Ani-" Aniyah covered his mouth and said "Wow! He must've lost lots of blood, because he DIDNT have breakfast."

Kaiden licked her hand and she threw her hand back and said "Ew, you dog."

Aniyah said "I'll go find you something."

Justin said "We'll all come, give Kaiden and Blake some alone time." And everyone followed Aniyah out of the room.

Blake sat down on the bed next to Kaiden and said "So.. you and Aniyah are pretty serious."

Kaiden looked up at the ceiling and Blake said "You love her."

Kaiden nodded his head and a tear fell out of his eye and Blake said "Kaiden.. don't be scared."

Kaiden said "I can't lose her."

Blake said "You won't."

Kaiden looked at Blake and said "We said the exact same thing to Franklyn, then she died.. and now, he's dead too.."

Blake said "Kaiden stop."

Kaiden looked at the ceiling and covered his eyes and said "Fuck Blake. You don't understand what I am feeling. I can't even go two seconds without thinking about her. No other girl could ever compare.. Its driving me insane."

Blake said "You're crazy in love, it's human."

Kaiden sighed and said "I'm so scared she's going to die."

Blake said "Listen brother. She's not going anywhere, Alright?"

Kaiden nodded his head and took a deep breath and after many minutes Aniyah walked in and said "I got you some chow mein."

Kaiden said "The fuck is that?"

Aniyah said "Delicious noodles. Just try it."

Aniyah spinned some noodles onto the fort and held it out to him and Kaiden raised an eyebrow and Aniyah said "Eat!"

Kaiden opened his mouth and Aniyah pushed the fork in and Kaiden said "It's good."

Aniyah said "You feel okay?"

Kaiden said "Yes sunshine."

Aniyah said "hmm."

Kaiden said "I'm serious."

Aniyah set the food on his lap and said "Eat up." and she sat down on a little couch by the window and layed down and the boys and Camila walked in and they all sat down in some seats in the room and everyone started catching up with Blake, letting Blake know what's been going on in the 9 months he's been in a coma.

End of Part Eighty-Seven

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