Part 51 - The Video

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When Aniyah woke up

Kaiden shot up and he had many men surrounding him, with a doctor. Kaiden stood up instantly and lost his balance and his boys caught him and Seth said "Kaiden.. are you okay sir? You've been out for hours.."

Kaiden pushed his boys off of him and said "Aniyah. They took Aniyah."

Justin said "WHO!?"

Kaiden said "I don't know! They all had masks.."

Kaiden dropped to his knees and forced himself up and Blane said "Kaiden.. you should sit down."

The doctor said "Ye-"

Kaiden stood up and said "Shut up. Find her!"

Kaiden walked away groggy and he walked up the stairs while struggling and he started waking up more from the drugs and he jogged into a room and pressed a button, the back wall slid open left and a huge armory appeared.

Kaiden yelled "GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!!!"

Kale, Blane, Justin, Jax, and Mason all ran in and Justin instantly sat down at a computer and started typing in it. Kaiden placed his right hand on the desk and leaned it and watched Justin and Justin was hacking into the street cameras watching the van drive away.

Then, the screen went black and said "No memory."

Kaiden said "what the fuck does that mean!!"

Justin said "They must have their own cameras.. I can hack into them, it'll just take some time."

Kaiden said "Give me this Kai characters address. NOW! From school."

Justin moved to the next computer and started typing and said "Kai Lee, lives with his wife and kids."

Kaiden laughed and said "Dude isn't even a teenager. Send me the address."

Justin said "Already done."

Kaiden walked out of the room and Jax and Kale followed him, Jax is one of the best fighters Kaiden has, Jax has beat everyone, but Kaiden. Kale is Kaiden's best reader, he can read any emotion on anyones face. No matter who you are.

Kaiden got into his car and Jax and Kale got in and Kaiden started driving fast to the address Justin sent.

After a few minutes Kaiden pulled up and grabbed guns and handed them to Jax and Kale and said "Let's go."

The three of them walked out of the car and Kaiden walked up to the front door and kicked it open, Kaiden saw a woman grab her kids on the couch and a man grabbed a gun and Kaiden pointed the gun at Kai's wife and said "No!"

Kai threw the gun At Kales feet and Jax was guarding the door. Kaiden grabbed one of Kai's sons and held the gun to his head and the wife screamed and Kaiden said "Where is she!?"

Kai said "KAIDEN DONT!!"

Kaiden said "WHERE IS ANIYAH!!"

Kai said "Shes... she's with the boss."

Kaiden said "Who!"

Kai said "I can't tell you."

Kaiden said "Listen here-" Kai said "You kill me, and you'll never find her."

Kaiden laughed and said "Oh. I'm not gonna kill you."

Kaiden pulled the trigger and killed Kai's son, Kai and the wife screamed as did their other kids and Kaiden grabbed the other child and said "Who's your boss."

Kai was staring at his dead sons body, crying and Kaiden said "Five, Four, Three-" Kai said "HES MY FATHER!"

Kaiden said "See. Not so hard. Name."

Kai said "I can't-" Kaiden cut Kai off with a bullet through his daughters head.

Kai and his family cried out and the wife said "FUCKING TELL HIM!!"

Kai said "Apollo!!!"

Kaiden said "Apollo? Hmmm." Kaiden looked at Kai's ring and said "Ahhh, Apollo.. I killed your brother, and mom."

Kai stayed quiet and Kaiden said "You know.. I thought he only had one kid.. but now I remember. He adopted you. Right?"

Kai nodded his head and Kaiden said "This isn't personal."

Kaiden killed Kai's wife and other kids and Kai said "I TOLD YOU HIS NAME!!" Through tears.

Kaiden walked over to Kai and gripped his hair and pulled his head back and said "You know anything. You die after I know, and anyone you love."

Kai said "Please.."

Kaiden pressed the gun to his head and said "You should've killed me when you guys had the chance." Then pulled the trigger and killed him.

Kaiden pulled out his phone and texted his men the address and said "Body cleanup. Five bodies."

Kaiden, Kale, and Jax left and got into Kaiden's car and Kaiden drove fast back to his house.

The three of them quickly walked downstairs and Kaiden said "Apollo has her."

Justin said "Alright! Makes it easier, now i know who's cameras to hack."

Kaiden's phone dinged and he looked down at it and there was a video with a message and it said " Killed the wrong family, Kaiden Miller."

Kaiden plugged his phone into their T.V screen and Kaiden, his boys, and some of his men stood around.

Kaiden pressed play. He saw a guy and he said "Message: "Little 'sunshine' here, is gonna meet some darkness." He turned the camera around and showed Aniyah chained up. Kaiden looked at her with her bra and underwear on and the slap mark on her face and his eyes started watering and he saw the man walk up to Aniyah and she looked up at him with pure fear, then everyone saw the man hit her.

They all saw everyone hit her and then the guy showed the camera at him and said "Day One. Tomorrow, sexual time.. Hii Kaiden."

Then the video ended and it said "Video deleting in 1.4 seconds."

Everyone looked at Kaiden and tears we're flowing out of his eyes. Kaiden stood up and said "Justin. You find Apollo. NOW."

Justin ran into the armory and started typing and Jace said "Kaiden.. Are they.. going too.. rape her.."

Kaiden looked down at the ground and walked away, he punched the wall leaving a huge hole and he walked into the armory and said "Justin. Tell me you got something."

Justin said "I'm following the van now. I'll have a place in a few hours."

Kaiden nodded his head and Kaiden grabbed many, many guns, of all kinds and loaded them all. Making sure he had weapons ready.

End of Part Fifty-One

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