Part 18 - Car Explosion

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


After a few minutes

Aniyah was driving and she saw Kaiden's car, she slammed on her brakes and turned around and drove to it, she parked a few feet behind him and got out, she looked around and saw him standing in the midde of a beautiful park staring at a fountain.

Aniyah took a deep breath and walked up to Kaiden and said "Kaiden."

Kaiden turned his head and only his head to look at her and then he looked back at the fountain. Aniyah took a deep breath and walked next to him and said "You do understand.. how bad he is hurting.. Right? He can't play for 8 months! Football will be over then! And that's even if his body heals right.. he can be permanently done.."

Kaiden looked down at her and said "you expect me to feel bad?"

Aniyah rolled her eyes and said "Why'd you beat him up? Because you we're jealous?"

Kaiden laughed and then looked at the fountain and he said "I don't get jealous. If I want you. I can get you. Trust me."

Aniyah said "So, you don't want me then."

Kaiden said "I didn't say that."

Aniyah said "So you do want me."

Kaiden stayed quiet and Aniyah looked at the fountain and said "Well Kaiden. Since you get the girls you want, and you want me.. How come I'm kissing someone else, and not you."

Kaiden looked down at her Instantly and said "How many times has he kissed you?" In a serious tone.

Aniyah said "That doesn't matter right now."

Kaiden said "It kind of does!"

Aniyah looked up at him and said "Why!?"

Kaiden crossed his arms over his chest and then looked at the fountain. Aniyah said "See! You can't even express feelings!"

Kaiden turned his whole body to her and said "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!? Okay! There.. you fucking happy now!? Yes! I like you, alot actually! So yeah, I beat up Ashton, because I don't like his hands on you! Because I want MY hands on you!! You understand now!?"

Aniyah said "Then why do you push me away!!" In a yelling painful tone.

Kaiden said "Because I am not capable of love Aniyah, I can't give you this.. perfect life, I am dangerous! I am taking over for crying out loud.. Do you understand how hard it is for me, to stop holding you when you hug me! When you touch me! I don't ever! EVER want you to stop!"

Aniyah said "I don't want a perfect life. As you can see, I fucking race, I do drugs, I barely sleep, and I fucking fight with someone, who clearly is fighting to be with me, INSTED of being in the hospital, with the guy he beat up!"

Kaiden looked down into her eyes and stayed quiet, he started looking into both her eyes. She was watching his eyeballs look at each eye. Aniyah took a deep breath and looked at the fountain and she said "If you don't want to be with me, fine.. But don't beat up someone, who isn't scared of showing me a little affection."

Aniyah walked away and Kaiden looked at the fountain and he felt his chest getting tight. He took a huge deep breath and turned around to Aniyah, he started walking after her fast and she got to her car and Kaiden said "I'm not scared of showing you affection. I'm scared that I'm gonna hurt you."

Aniyah looked at him and said "Oh, trust me. You've already done that."

Aniyah opened her car door and clicking sound went off. Kaiden's eyes widened and he grabbed Aniyahs arm and pulled her body into his and then the car exploded. Kaiden pulled Aniyah behind a tree and covered her body with his and the flames spreaded out all around the tree and everywhere.

Kaiden held onto her tight and pushed her body hard up against the tree blocking everything on her.

After a few long seconds the fire stopped and Kaiden grabbed her arm and pulled her to his car, he gently but forcefully pushed her into the passenger seat and ran to his side and drove away fast.

Aniyah looked at Kaiden's arms and there was a few burns on them. Aniyah gripped her hair and said "What the fuck just happend!!"

Kaiden was looking around and in the mirrors of his car, Aniyah flew her hands down and said "Kaiden!"

Kaiden looked at her and said "Are you hurt!?"

Aniyah said "am I hurt!? Kaiden your skin!"

Kaiden said "Are! You! Hurt!?"

Aniyah said "n-no.. I'm not.."

Kaiden started driving fast and he got to his house and typed in the gate password and drove in. He parked his car and ran out of his car and Aniyah opened her door and Kaiden grabbed her out and threw her over his shoulder. Aniyah said "Kaiden! I can-" Kaiden kicked open the front door and then slammed it shut.

He set Aniyah down carefully and he ran to a wall by the stairs and he ripped a painting down and pushed a button. A alarm went off and Aniyah looked outside and saw the gate closing with a metal barricade blocking it. Then, all the windows tinted and only the inside could look out, then Aniyah heard windows slamming shut, and doors leading to outside locking loudly.

Kaiden gripped his hair and quickly walked over to Aniyah, he lifted her shirt to show her stomach and she said "woah-" Kaiden turned her around and looked at her back quickly and then Her legs and arms and Aniyah said "Kaiden! I'm fine."

She nudged him off and turned around to him and she said "I am fine.."

Kaiden looked into her eyes and she looked at his lightly burned arms. Aniyah took a deep breath and said "where is your medical supplies?"

Kaiden said "Down the left hall, third door on the left."

Aniyah nodded her head and said "Go sit down in your room."

She walked away and Kaiden walked upstairs, to his room. Kaiden sat down on his bed and just sat their.

Aniyah walked into a huge room with shelves completely filled with medical supplies, and medication. Aniyah grabbed a empty bin and grabbed everything she needed and walked out of the room.

End of Part Eighteen

Love and Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن