Part 8 - Old Race Track

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Hannah Golbach

Later That Night 6:58 P

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Later That Night 6:58 P.M

Aniyah was wearing a two peice black and white adidas set, with matching shoes.

Aniyah was wearing a two peice black and white adidas set, with matching shoes

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The doorbell went off and Aniyah's oldest brother Johna went to open the door. Aniyah said "I got it!!!"

Johna opened the front door and Ashton, Logan, and another boy walked in, named Ethan Smith. Johna closed the door after they entered and then the doorbell went off, exactly at 7:00. Johna opened the door and Aniyah saw Kaiden.

Aniyah grabbed her phone and walked over to the door and Johna said "May I help you?"

Kaiden said "Hello sir. I'm here for Aniyah."

Johna looked down at Aniyah and Aniyah hugged Johna and said "I'll be back later tonight."

She walked out the front door and Ashton said "Aniyah?.."

Aniyah looked back at him and said "what?"

Jayden said "your leaving.. with HIM?"

Aniyah said "obviously."

Jayden said "Get back inside-" Aniyah said "Bye guys!"

Aniyah grabbed Kaidens arm and walked over to his very beautiful koenigsegg ccxr trevita 2018 matte black

Aniyah grabbed Kaidens arm and walked over to his very beautiful koenigsegg ccxr trevita 2018 matte black

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Kaiden opened the passenger seat door for her and she smiled and said "Thank you."

Aniyah got in and then Kaiden closed the door and he walked to his side and got in.

Kaiden drove away fast and started driving to a race track. Aniyah looked out the window and said "Which race track are we going too?"

Kaiden said "The Den."

Aniyah looked at Kaiden instantly and said "I used to go there.. alot.."

Kaiden said "So you stopped.. because it takes you back to your moms death.. is that why you left when everyone was cheering... at the race I won."

Aniyah looked out the window and nodded her head. Kaiden placed his hand on her thigh and said "Like I said. Just call out my name, text me, give me a signal, and I'll come running."

Aniyah looked at him and she smiled and nodded her head. After a few minutes Kaiden pulled up and it was PACKED, probably over 2,000 people we're their watching cars zoom by, bikers doing tricks, girls and guys dancing. When you see racer places in movies, this is exactly like that.. it's perfect.

Kaiden parked next to three other cars, exactly like his, just different colors. Kaiden faced her and said "You do this-" Kaiden crosed his pointer finger, and middle finger "when ever you need me.. if things get too much. You signal me this."

Aniyah nodded her head and her and Kaiden got out. Kaiden walked up next to a silver car just like his and Aniyah was right by his side. He said "Hey boys."

Kale, Blane, and Mason we're all standing at the car and Kale said "Hey Kaiden.. Hey Aniyah."

They all looked down at Aniyah shocked and she smiled and said "Hey!"

A guy said "ANIYAH!?"

Aniyah and the boys looked over and the guy ran over and hugged her. Aniyah hugged him back and said "Jason!?"

He laughed and they unhugged and he said "I'm sorry.. to hear about their death.. hit everyone hard, and I know how close you two were... even with Aria."

Aniyah took a deep breath and said "Yeah.."

Jason smiled and said "I'm glad your back.. back home.. everyone has missed you."

Aniyah said "What?"

Jason pointed to a wall and their was a picture of Aniyah standing wearing a leather jacket with "Bwell" on the back. Aniyah and the boys looked up at it and Aniyah was standing with thousands of people, and they we're all surrounding her moms car. Aniyah walked up to the photo and touched her mothers face in the picture.

Jason looked at Kaiden and said "You have no idea. What that girl can do behind the wheel."

Kaiden looked over at Aniyah and she smiled at the picture and whispered "I miss you." to herself.

Jason got up on a car and said "HEY!" Into a microphone.

Everyone in the whole area looked at him, people stopped their bikes, the music, the racing. Jason pointed to Aniyah staring at him and said "The girl, who made this place happen. Is home!!"

Everyone started cheering and screaming and crowded her. Aniyah started looking at everyone, and she started freaking out, panicking, she started getting flash backs of seeing her sisters dead body on the ground, seeing their car flipped over, feeling all the pain.

She saw Kaiden staring at her with worry and she started rubbing the signal on her arm fast. Kaiden sprinted over to her, through the crowd and said "People people. Give the girl some space." With a laugh.

Everyone laughed and started walking away. Kaiden turned around to Aniyah and she was taking deep breaths, Kaiden said "You okay?"

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden looked at the picture and said "You two.. look indentical.."

Aniyah looked at the picture and said "Yeah.. Jayden and I look like her, when Johna looks like my dad." "So did Aria."

Kaiden said "where are they?"

Aniyah looked at Kaiden and said "They died with my mom."

Kaiden said "Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss."

Aniyah smiled and said "Me too."

Kaiden wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said "Come on sunshine. Let's show you what you've been missing."

Aniyah laughed and Kaiden looked at his boys and they all started walking over to him, and the five of them started walking around looking at everything.

End of Part Eight

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