Part 39 - Goodbye Jayden

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The Next Day Wednesday 6:45 A.M

Aniyah woke up to Kaiden's arm wrapped tight around her torso and her back pressed against his chest. Aniyah tried to remove Kaiden's arm from her but he only tightened his grip.

Aniyah turned over to him and she poked his chest, Kaiden groaned and Aniyah pecked him on the lips and said "Kaid. We gotta get out of bed."

Kaiden opened his eyes and looked into hers instantly and Kaiden said "But your warm."

Aniyah smiled and said "I need to pee. Let me go."

Kaiden laughed and removed his arm from around her and Aniyah got out of his bed and walked into the bathroom, Kaiden sat up and got out of his bed and walked over to his dresser and pulled out some boxers and pulled them on.

Aniyah finished washing her hands and walked out and Kaiden looked at her naked body and she grabbed a shirt of his and pulled it on, Kaiden said "nooo"

Aniyah rolled her eyes playfully and said "Get dressed Miller."

Kaiden said "Yes sunshine."

Aniyah left his room and walked into her room and she walked into her bathroom and combed out her hair and brushed her teeth, then she walked into her closet and got dressed into dark blue ripped jeans, a 'idk, google it' shirt, and her plain white shoes.

Aniyah left his room and walked into her room and she walked into her bathroom and combed out her hair and brushed her teeth, then she walked into her closet and got dressed into dark blue ripped jeans, a 'idk, google it' shirt, and her plain whit...

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Aniyah walked downstairs and Kaiden was already down there, Aniyah walked up next to him and said "Ready?"

Kaiden nodded his head and they both walked out to Kaiden's car and got in. He started driving to school and Aniyah was looking out the window, staring at the beautiful palm trees.

Kaiden placed his hand on Aniyah's thigh as he was driving, Aniyah smiled and rested her hand on his and after a few minutes Kaiden pulled into the school parking lot and parked by his boys.

Aniyah and Kaiden got out and walked over to Blane's car and leaned up against it and Justin looked down at his watch and said "Damn thing always breaking."

Aniyah smiled and Jax laughed and said "Probably because a idiot is working it."

Justin said "oh har har, Says the one that might be a super senior."

Jax rolled his eyes and said "Whatever." As everyone laughed.

The bell rang and Kaiden wrapped his arm around Aniyah's shoulders and said "See ya guys around." And him and Aniyah started walking to their first period class.

After School

Aniyah walked outside and Kai walked up to her and said "Hey again."

Aniyah smiled and said "Hey Kai."

Kai smiled and said "How have you been?"

Aniyah said "I've been pretty good actually, how about you?"

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