Part 46 - Prison Vist

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Aniyah looked up at Derek and said "Why do you want me here."

Derek said "Why did you come."

Aniyah said "Listen asshole, I'm not here for games. Tell me what you want, and I'll tell you why I came."

Kaiden looked down at Aniyah and saw the pain in her eyes, he could hear the pain in her voice, yet he was so confused.

Derek took a deep breath and said "I've been in here, for four years.. and, You never wrote me back, you never accepted my calls.. I've always called you here."

Aniyah looked at him in the eyes and said "You are dead to me. I hope you know that."

Derek looked down at his hands and Aniyah said "Do you understand how hard it is to look at you!" With pure pain in her voice.

Derek said "I'm sorry.."

Aniyah laughed and said "your sorry!? REALLY!? You gave Cole drugs!! He almost died because of you!"

Derek said "ALMOST!"

Aniyah screamed "HE WAS 17!! HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL!"

Derek said "I didn't invite you here to scream at me."

Aniyah sat back against her chair and said "Cole's dead."

Derek said "What!?"

Aniyah said "He found your secret stash.. that you hid in OUR house!!"

Derek looked down at his hands and Aniyah said "Deon's dead, Amber, and Aria.. Jayden's in a mental institution, and Johna.. He's Johna."

Derek looked up at her and said "What?" With pain in his eyes.

Aniyah said "That's why I'm here."

Derek said "When.."

Aniyah said "Last year."

Derek took a deep breath and said "So cole overdosed.. with my drugs."

Aniyah leaned forward and said "I BEGGED YOU TO STOP!! I told you! No more.. You PROMISED ME!! Then you go to Prison for it! And now Cole, he's dead! Because of YOUR drugs."

Derek stayed quiet and Aniyah pointed at him and said "Never contact me again, when you get out.. Act like I'm dead, just like the rest of our family."

Derek said "I can't do that."


Derek said "Aniyah. I'm not Deon."

Aniyah gripped her hair and said "I know.. sorry.. Derek. Just please, never contact me again."

Derek looked at Kaiden and Kaiden was looking down at Aniyah and Derek said "Whose the dude."

Kaiden looked at him and said "Kaiden. Aniyah's boyfriend."

Derek smiled and said "You happy Aniyah?"

Aniyah looked at Derek and said "With him yes."

Derek said "I'm sorry.. about Cole."

Aniyah nodded her head and stood up and said "Your sorry's mean nothing. Because all you do is lie."

Aniyah opened the room door and Derek said "I am sorry.."

Aniyah walked out the room and Kaiden followed her and Aniyah was crying softly as she was walking out to her car. They got to her car and Aniyah placed her hands on the hood and started crying hysterically . Kaiden ran to her side and pulled her into a hug and Aniyah gripped his back and cried hysterically into him.

Kaiden said "I'll drive."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden walked her over to the passenger side and opened the door for her, then she got into the car and Kaiden closed and locked the door. Kaiden got into the drivers seat and started driving back to his house.

After a few minutes Kaiden parked and Aniyah looked at him and Kaiden turned off the car and said "You okay baby?"

Aniyah nodded her head and said "Yeah.. It's just hard seeing someone, who looks exactly like... my dad."

Kaiden grabbed her hand and said "You are so strong.."

Aniyah blushed and said "Thank you."

Kaiden and Aniyah both got out the car and walked inside and the boys we're in the living room looking at a picture of someone. Kaiden looked at Aniyah and said "Go upstairs, I'll be there soon."

Aniyah looked at the picture and it was a man covered in blood. She looked into Kaiden's eyes and he tilted his head to the side and Aniyah put up her hands and walked upstairs.

Kaiden took a deep breath and watched her walk into her bedroom and close the door. Kaiden closed his eyes, counted to three, and then turned around to his boys and said "Make it fast"

Justin said "So remember that creepy old dude who touched Aniyah?"

Kaiden sat down and said "Always."

Justin pointed to the picture and said "This is him now.. He said he'll never talk! It's been like a week."

Kaideb said "Search for family. I don't care."

Jax said "We found his daughter.. she's only nine.."

Kaiden stared at the old mans picture and said "Get information out of him! He probably knows who's watching her now! Someone is after MY girl!! MINE. I don't care about some fucking nine year old."

Jax said "We'll get her.."

Kaiden said "Alright. If I need too. I'll do it."

Blane said "Not needed boss."

Kaiden said "Alright."

Kaiden grabbed out his phone and texted "Go." And four men replied "Yes sir."

Kaiden set his phone down and took a deep breath and said "Now. Are you guys going to interrupt me and Aniyah. AGAIN!?"

They all looked at Kaiden and shook their heads and Kaiden smiled and grabbed his phone and stood up and said "Good. Now. Deal with the fucking kid.. If none of you can. I will tomorrow."

Kale said "Hey Kaiden. Can I ask you something we all want to know."

Kaiden looked at Kale and said "What's up?" Then looked back down at his phone.

Kale took a deep breath and said "Umm.. Aniyah..."

Kaiden said "Just spit it out you fucking pussy." Without removing his eyes from his phone screen.

Kale said "Are you in love with her?"

Kaiden stopped what he was doing and looked into Kales eyes and said "Yes."

They all cheered and Kaiden rolled his eyes playfully and Blane said "Are y'all fucking!?"

Kaiden looked down at Blane and said "Nah man. I'm waiting."

Blane nodded his head and Kaiden said "I'll be upstairs. Don't bug me."

Then walked away, Jax watched Kaiden walk away and whispered "They're fuckin." And all the boys laughed and started hitting each other playfully in the arms.

End of Part Fourty-Six

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