Part 40 - His Girl 🖤

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A few Hours Later 5:37 P.M

Aniyah was in her room sitting down on her bed with her back faced against the door, she was wearing her black leggings, and a white cropped tank top. She took a deep breath and looked up out of the window and Kaiden walked in and leaned up against the wall and said "You Alright sunshine?"

Aniyah shrugged and Kaiden walked over to her and squatted down and she looked down at him and Kaiden grabbed her hands and said "What's on your mind."

Aniyah said "What if I'm like Jayden.."

Kaiden said "What do you mean?"

Aniyah said "That I need to go too and mental institution one day.."

Kaiden said "Baby.. look.. i-" Aniyah said "My dad was a twin, and was his father, my dad and uncle got insane like Jayden once.. as did his father and his brother.. what if I'm the same.."

Kaiden squeezed her hands and said "then we'll get you help."

Aniyah looked into his eyes and said "I don't want to hurt you.."

Kaiden took a deep breath and said "Listen to me.. baby, you are so fucking amazing, you aren't going to hurt me, you are strong.."

Aniyah closed her eyes and took a deep breath and whispered "I love you.."

Kaiden smiled and said "and I love you."

Kaiden stood up and picked Aniyah up, she giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist and Kaiden gripped her waist and pressed his lips against hers, Aniyah wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss and Kaiden slowly lowered his hands to her ass and gripped it hard.

Aniyah let out a squeal and Kaiden smirked and smacked her ass and grabbed it. Aniyah gripped his hair and bit his bottom lip and Kaiden grunted sexually and then someone knocked on the door.

Kaiden groaned and they stopped kissing and Kaiden set Aniyah down and said "WHAT!?"

Justin said "Come here boss man."

Kaiden groaned and looked down at Aniyah and said "I'll be back."

Aniyah laughed and Kaiden kissed her on the forehead and left the room. Aniyah jumped onto her bed and layed down and started watching animal vines on her bed.

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