Part 43 - Tears

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30 Minutes Later

The doctor came out and said "Looking for Hannah's family."

Janice, Fred, and Aniyah stood up instantly. They all walked over to the doctor and Kaiden stood next to Aniyah and the doctor said "Are you her parents?"

Janice said "Yes, I am her mother, this is her father, and her.. sister."

The doctor said "Maybe we should go somewhere more private.."

Janice said "Okay.."

They all walked into a empty room and the doctor said "We did everything we could.. She lost too much blood, I'm sorry, but she is dead."

You could see the pain fill Hannah's parents faces. Aniyah lost her breath and she just stared at the doctor as Hannah's parents started sobbing uncontrollably.

Kaiden pulled Aniyah into a hug and she instantly started crying hysterically into him. Kaiden started running his fingers down the back of her head and she gripped his back hard and the doctor said "I'm sorry for your loss." and left the room.

Janice grabbed Aniyah's shoulder and Aniyah looked at her and Janice said "Thank you, for trying to save her."

Aniyah sniffled and Janice and Fred said "we'll be in touch.." and left the room.

Kaiden looked down at Aniyah and he said "Wanna go home?"

Aniyah nodded her head and her and Kaiden walked out of the room and started walking to his car, Kaiden had his arm wrapped tightly around her and Aniyah heard more camera clicks. Kaiden looked around and Aniyah said "Happend earlier too."

Kaiden said "I'll have people watch out."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden opened the passenger door for her and she smiled and got in and Kaiden quickly walked to his side and got in. He started up his car and started driving back to his place.

Aniyah layed her head against the cold window and continued crying hard and Kaiden grabbed her hand and held it tight. Aniyah closed her eyes and Kaiden kissed her hand and said "Cry all you need baby."

Three Hours Later

Aniyah was sitting down outside staring down at Kaiden's pool. Aniyah got up and walked inside, she walked past everyone and walked upstairs into her room. She shut the door and locked it and grabbed her phone, she called Johna and Johna said "Hey... I'm sorry to hear about Hannah."

Aniyah said "Yeah. That dude that blew up my car, What's his name and information."

Johna said "All I know is his name is Dagger.. I still have Jayden's phone."

Aniyah said "I'll be over in five."

Aniyah walked into her closet and pulled on some black leggings with a white tank top.

Aniyah put her hair up into a ponytail and grabbed her phone and car keys, she walked out of her bedroom and walked downstairs, she walked up to Kaiden who was talking with his boys who were talking to Mason

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Aniyah put her hair up into a ponytail and grabbed her phone and car keys, she walked out of her bedroom and walked downstairs, she walked up to Kaiden who was talking with his boys who were talking to Mason. Aniyah said "I'm gonna go blow off some steam. I'll check in with you every hour."

Kaiden looked at her and said "Someone is watching you.. Aniyah I don't-" Aniyah said "If they wanted me, they would've tooken me when I was outside alone."

Kaiden took a deep breath and said "I want a adress of where your going."

Aniyah said "I'll send you my location, when I get there."

Kaiden nodded his head and Aniyah left and got into her car and drove away.

Justin looked at Kaiden and said "She okay?"

Kaiden said "I don't think so.."

Mason said "They we're friends a long time.."

Kaiden looked at Mason and said "Did you love her?"

Mason said "No.. Just liked her alot."

Kaiden nodded his head and they all started talking about new weapons they ordered.

Aniyah drove back to Johnas and walked inside, she saw Ashton sitting down on the couch upset, Aniyah ignored him and Johna handed her the phone, Aniyah grabbed it and said "Thanks."

Then opened the front door to leave and Ashton said "Aniyah.."

Aniyah looked back at him and he said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for her."

Aniyah said "It's not anyones fault." Then left.

Aniyah got into her car and called Dagger from Jayden's phone, Dagger answered and said "Yes Jayden."

Aniyah said "Jayden isn't here. You get Aniyah."

Dagger said "who are you?"

Aniyah said "The girl you nearly blew up."

Dagged said "What do you need?"

Aniyah said "Someone's watching me, and.. I am remembering somethings about fighting and shooting, but it's random.. I need to remember it all"

Dagger said "I'm not some memory doctor."

Aniyah said "You attack people for money. I get my memories back when I'm fighting.. You are the only person who doesn't know me personally and probably isn't scared to hurt me."

Dagger said "You want to fight?"

Aniyah said "I want to train, and learn.. remember everything."

Dagger said "Meet me. I'll send you an address, text me from YOUR phone. Come alone." Then hung up.

Aniyah looked it at his contact number and texted him from her phone and said "Aniyah."

Dagger sent her the address and Aniyah started up her car and drove away fast. She texted Kaiden saying "Track my phone if I don't answer in 2 hours. Don't reply back. Just, trust me." Then deleted the text and set her phone down.

End of Part Fourty-Three

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