Part 13 - Jealousy

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Lynn Ryder

After a few minutes

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After a few minutes

Aniyah pulled up to Drake Vipers house. Aniyah parked her car and got out, she knocked on the front door and started rubbing her arms, she was freezing.

One of Drakes men, Wesley Ketcher opened the door and said "Who are you?"

Aniyah said "I'm here for Drake."

Wesley said "obviously. What do you need him for."

Aniyah said "We're friends."

Wesley said "Drake!!"

Drake came to the door and he said "Aniyah!?" He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her and pulled her inside gently.

Wesley closed the front door and walked away. Aniyah and Drake sat down in a private room and he said "What happend to your wrist?"

Aniyah said "I got in a fight.. with Jayden, and I got mad and went to the The Den, and I started beating the pictures of my family..."

Drake scooted close to her and wrapped his arm around her and said "Your welcome to stay as long as you like."

Aniyah smiled and said "Thank you.."

Drake started rubbing her arm and said "I got you. Don't worry."

Aniyah smiled and Drake said "So. Why are you out so late?"

Aniyah said "Well.. Kaiden took me to his place because he saw my hand bleeding.. and I fell asleep there, and I just left."

Drake said "He treat you okay?"

Aniyah said "I have mixed emotions.. He sometimes looks at me, like he loves me.. then sometimes he'll be so cold, and not caring about my feelings... so I have no idea."

Drake nodded his head and said "I understand. He's going to take over Aniyah.. you understand, right?"

Aniyah looked at Drake and said "You have someone.. As do others, his father has a wife.. why can't he be in love."

Drake said "Just because their married, doesn't mean their in love."

Aniyah took a deep breath and said "Are you in love, with your girl?

Drake said "I think so.. I honestly don't know, I know I care deeply for her, but I don't know if I'm in love."

Aniyah nodded her head and looked down at her hands and said "Do you care for me?" and then looked up into his eyes.

Drake looked into her eyes and "Yes. I do.. I love you."

Aniyah smiled and said "I love you too Drake."

Drake tightend his arm around her and she layed her head on his shoulder. Drake said "I hate seeing you upset.. We stopped talking for awhile, and I'm not going anywhere.."

Aniyah smiled and closed her eyes, Drake looked down at her and said "you tired?"

Aniyah nodded her head and Drake got up, he said "I can show you the room you can stay in."

Aniyah groaned and said "Carry me."

Drake laughed and picked her up bridal style, he carried her up stairs and into a guest room and layed her down, he took off her shoes and helped her under the covers. She smiled and said "Goodnight."

Drake said "Goodnight."

The Next Day Tuesday 6:45 A.M

Aniyah walked downstairs and said "Do you have any girls clothes?"

Drake was drinking some water and he looked at her and nodded his head, he started walking down a long hall and Aniyah followed him. He walked into a huge room and Aniyah walked in after him and he said "You can wear any of this."

Aniyah smiled and said "Thank you."

Drake nodded his head with a smile and walked out of the room.

Aniyah pulled on some fishnet tights, with a black denim button skirt, a black cropped shirt, and her converse that she was wearing. Also Aniyah just put her hair up into a ponytail.

Aniyah walked out of the room and Drake was in the kitchen with Westly, and some other boys

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Aniyah walked out of the room and Drake was in the kitchen with Westly, and some other boys. They all looked at Aniyah and Aniyah walked over to Drake and they hugged.

After a few seconds they unhugged and Drake said "wesley. Hurry up. I don't have time to wait to drop you off."

Aniyah looked at wesley and he said "I'm going."

Aniyah laughed and said "I can drive you. I'm early for school anyways."

Wesley said "What school do you go too?"

Aniyah said "Beckman."

Wesley said "I just got transferred there!" In excitement.

Aniyah smiled and said "Well then, I can give you a ride."

Drake said "Thank you ny."

Aniyah looked at Drake and said "Of course."

Aniyah and wesley walked out of Drakes home and got into Aniyah's car. Aniyah started it up and then started driving to school.

After a few minutes Aniyah parked her car in her original spot, Kaiden and his boys parked next to her and Aniyah looked at wesley and said "Ignore them."

Wesley nodded his head and Aniyah and him got out of the car together. They both closed her doors and Aniyah saw a beautiful girl get out of Kaiden's car. Aniyah flet jealously..

Aniyah and wesley started walking inside together and Aniyah wrapped wesley arm around her shoulders. Wesley looked at Kaiden and his jaw was clenched tight. Wesley smirked and looked down at Aniyah and said "making him mad."

Aniyah said "Good."

Wesley and Aniyah laughed in sync and they walked inside together.

Kaiden looked at Jax and said "What the fuck."

Blane said "I mean.."

Kaiden said "This is fucking why! I don't drive girls!"

Kale said "Oh come on. It's Blane's sister."

Kaiden said "But she wanted to ride with me!!" He looked at Blane's sister and said "You wanted this too happen!! Didn't you!"

She said "n-no! I promise.."

Kaiden stormed away and Blane said "Jackie come on."

Jackie nodded her head and walked away with Blane. Jax and Kale followed Kaiden inside and Mason walked after Blane and Jackie.

End of Part Thirteen

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