Part 50 - A beating

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The next day Saturday 4:08 A.M

Aniyah groaned and sat up and wiped her eyes, she looked down at her hands and they we're chained down, she then gasped and saw she was only in her bra and underwear. Aniyah curled up against the corner of the room and started looking around, she was in a complete black room. She couldn't see a thing, all she could see was a little light under the door.

Then, after a few minutes a man walked in and said "Finally! Boss wanted to see you. So get up."

Aniyah shook her head no and the man walked over to her and slapped her across the face, Aniyah let out a short scream in pain and she instantly felt the stinging, and she knew it was gonna form a bruise.

The man grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up and wrapped his hand on the back of her neck and started pushing her down a long hallway.

Aniyah looked around and she saw many doors, cage doors, and she heard cries, moans, screams.. everything. Aniyah started crying and the man laughed and said "Sorry sweetie, this isn't going to be a fun time for you."

He pushed her into a room and slammed the door closed and locked it. She saw a desk and a chair, with the back faced to her, the desk chair turned around to her and he looked at her up and down and said "Oh, I see why Kaiden likes you."

Aniyah stayed quiet and the guy said "Leave H."

H left the room and locked the door from the outside and Aniyah looked at the locked door and then the man. The man said "Come sit on my desk, while I remove your chains."

Aniyah slowly walked over to him and sat down on his desk and he removed the chains from her and Aniyah grabbed her wrists in pain and he said "You know who I am?"

Aniyah stayed quiet and he stood up and pushed Aniyah down hard on the table and wrapped his hand around her throat and said "Answer me!!

Aniyah said "Non capisco" (Don't understand) in Italian.

The guy laughed and said "I've been having my men watch you.. I know you speak English."

Aniyah said "I don't know you.."

He removed his hand from her throat and sat down and Aniyah sat up and he placed his hands on her knees and Aniyah slapped his hands away and he laughed and said "Alright."

He said "The name is Apollo"

Aniyah nodded her head and Apollo said "You see, your little boyfriend. Killed my wife, and son. Now! I want him to pay."

Aniyah looked into his eyes and Apollo said "I'm gonna record you screaming in pain, crying, moaning. Then, I'm gonna kill you, and send your beaten, dead body to him."

Aniyah started crying without making a sound and the guy smirked and said "It's nothing about you.. You just.. chose the wrong guy."

Aniyah said "Pleas-" the guy cut her off and pulled her body on his lap and said "Please Don't! Please dont do this!!" Then laughed.

Aniyah pushed him back and the guy gripped her waist and dug his nails deep into her skin. Aniyah whined in pain and the guy said "I don't want Kaiden's sloppy seconds. I'll have my men have their way."

He stood up and chained Aniyah and banged on the door in a pattern. The door opened and Apollo pushed Aniyah out and said "Do what you please. Record it and send it to me, and I'll send it to Kaiden."

His men said "Yes sir!"

And grabbed Aniyah hard and yanked her away. He pushed her into a dark room and removed her chains and then chained her standing up, with a bright light shining on her. Aniyah looked around and she saw a guy getting his camera ready.

Then, a guy walked into the room and he wrapped his knuckles and Aniyah looked at him and she started shaking her head no. He looked at the man with the camera and the camera man nodded his head and then the guy punched her right in the stomach.

Aniyah groaned in pain and the guy laughed and said "Little 'sunshine'"

Aniyah looked down at the ground and was crying and the man punched her in the stomach four more times, and then punched her in the back. Then, ten men walked in and all punched Aniyah everywhere each two times and then everyone left the room.

They unchained her and she dropped to the floor laying there, broken. The guy with the camera showed Aniyahs already bruised body and he turned the camera to his face and said "Day One. Tomorrow, sexual time.. Hii Kaiden." Then ended the video and sent it to his boss.

The guy grabbed Aniyah and started dragging her back to her room. He threw her in, chained her to the wall, and then left and closed and locked the door.

Aniyah was gasping for air feeling endless pain throughout her body and she saw a camera on the wall shining down on her. Aniyah sat up and curled up into a ball and started crying hysterically, she screamed into her legs and couldn't stop crying, she was feeling so much physical pain, and all she wanted was to be held by Kaiden.

End of Part Fifty

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