Part 62 - Aniyah's Breakdown

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On The Plane

Kaiden was sitting down staring at Aniyah and she was on her phone. Aniyah looked at Kaiden and said "Stop staring at me."

Kaiden laughed and said "No. I love you."

Aniyah looked at him in the eyes and said "Do you?"

Kaiden said "Yes! I do!"

Aniyah said "Then why do you keep trying to leave me!! God damn it Kaiden you keep fucking hurting me!"

Kaiden looked at the pain in her eyes and he said "You know why.."

Aniyah said "and I always, ALWAYS convince you to stay.. but everytime.. Its the same problem "I put you in danger" "I dont want you to die" "Im going to be leader" and My answer never changes!! Why can't you see that you are destroying me.."

Kaiden felt his eyes get watery and he said "I'm sorry.."

Kaiden looked up at Aniyah and tears we're streaming down her face. Kaiden said "I don't mean to hurt you.."

Aniyah said "It felt like.. A huge hole.. had just been carved into my chest.. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, All I saw was that blank stare on your face when you said your breaking up with me..."

Kaiden stayed quiet and Aniyah looked at him and said "Everytime you say it! You have this blank stare! I fucking hate it!!"

Aniyah pushed his chest and said "Why can't you see I love you!?" She pushed his chest and said "Why can't you see I WANT you!" Aniyah pushed his chest harder and said "I fucking NEED you!!" She started hitting his chest repeatedly and screamed "YOURE A LIAR!!"

Kaiden tried to stop her and said "Aniyah stop!" Aniyah was screaming liar repeatedly and Kaiden grabbed her and pulled her into his embrace and she just stared crying hysterically into him. Kaiden started crying and he said "Aniyah I am so sorry.."

Aniyah said "You say your sorry.. but keep doing it.."

Kaiden stayed quiet and he listened to Aniyahs sobs and she gripped his chest and said "You are all I want Kaiden.. why can't you see that!"

Kaiden closed his eyes and said "Aniyah I see it.. loud and clear... but I just.. You deserve the fucking world.. what man would I be to allow you to destroy yourself being with me.."

Aniyah looked up at him and said "Kaiden I feel alive with you.. I love the thrill.. I love the sex.. I love the conversations.. I love our bond.. I love your anger.. I love your love.. I love everything about you, the negative and the positives..."

Kaiden said "I don't know what I did to deserve you.."

Aniyah cried hard and said "I loved you through everything... and you keep trying to leave me like you don't even care.."

Kaiden went to say something and Aniyah said "LET ME TELL YOU!" Kaiden jumped back from her scream and Aniyah said "If you want me EARN me!! Alright!! Pleasee!! God damn it Kaiden! You are breaking my trust slowly.. This is the fourth fucking time you've done this!! And it's hurting so bad I just want to scream!! I want to scream endlessly at you!! At everyone!!"

Kaiden was crying hard and Aniyah said "You are breaking my heart every fucking time you do that!! And I can't take it Kaiden! I really fucking can't... I don't want to leave, I don't want to hurt you... and I don't want to feel the endless pain with you gone... Just please! PLEASE stop.. huring.. me.."

Kaiden blinked and fast hot tears started streaming down his face and he whispered "I am so sorry.."

Aniyah said "Just please... stop.. hurting me.."

Kaiden pulled her into a tight hug and he said "I promise you I will never. EVER hurt you like that again.."

Aniyah cried hard into his chest and Kaiden held her close and Aniyah said "Guess I should've taken your words seriously..."

Kaiden said "What words?"

Aniyah sat up and said "When you said you aren't capable of love."

Kaiden said "I love you! I am in love with you!"

Aniyah screamed "THEN SHOW IT!! If you loved me! You would stop fucking hurting me!"

Kaiden yelled at Aniyah "IM HURTING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!! God fucking damn it Aniyah! Why can't you fucking see that this is also destroying me!! HUH!? I fucking need you to survive! I don't want to go back to my heartless self!! I don't... I really don't.. but how do I look at the girl I love more than anything in the fucking universe, and let her ruin her future by being with me..".

Aniyah stayed quiet and Kaiden said "I love you Aniyah.. I really fucking do.. I just don't want to drag you down this path with me.."

Aniyah said "All I want is you.."

Kaiden blinked and tears flowed out of his eyes and he said "and all I want is you.."

Aniyah said "I'm sorry.."

Kaiden said "Don't apologize Aniyah.. I'm the one who should be sorry.. I keep hurting you.. when all I want is for you to be happy."

Aniyah said "Kaiden I'm happy with you.."

Kaiden took a deep breath and he said "Babygirl I'm sorry.. I'll put this bullshit aside because I don't wanna fight.. cause nothing is more important than having you by my side.."

Aniyah smiled and wiped Kaiden's tears and Kaiden wiped hers and Aniyah whispered "I love you"

Kaiden leaned his forehead on hers and said "and I love you."

Aniyah closed her eyes and sat on Kaidens lap and layed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Kaiden wrapped his arms tightly around her and said "You going to sleep?"

Aniyah nodded her head and said "Don't let me go.."

Kaiden smiled and whispered "Never."

Kaiden layed his head on hers and Aniyah closed her eyes tightly and Kaiden kissed Aniyah's head and then closed his eyes and they both drifted off too sleep together, holding each other, needing each other to survive.

End of Part Sixty-Two

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