Part 52 - ...

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The Next Day Sunday 3:40 A.M

Aniyah woke up in pain and her whole body bruised. She saw the camera little red light and she groaned and stood up, she scream and cried out in pain and dropped to her knees. A man walked in and said "Glad your finally awake. Today's the day!"

Aniyah looked up at him and he walked over to her and grabbed her. Aniyah groaned in pain and the man dragged her down the long hall once more and pushed her into a room.

The man chained Aniyah to the wall and removed the little clothing she had on left. Then the camera man walked in and started recording Aniyah's face, he only showed her face and Aniyah was crying and said "Please don't.."

The man started touching Aniyah and she looked up as tears streamed down her face and the guy said "Your very tight. But not wet. Get wet for me."

Aniyah shook her head no and the guy whispered in her ear "I bet Kaiden is dreaming about your tight little pussy."

Aniyah looked away and the man said "Oh! Kaiden makes her wet. VERY wet. Keep imagine my fingers, his."

Aniyah said "Stop.."

The man laughed and said "You tell Kaiden to stop?!"

Aniyah closed her eyes and started crying and the camera man got in her face and started laughing and said "CRY BITCH!" And slapped her across the face.

The camera man showed her bruised body and he said "Oh Kaiden.. look at her.. all your fault."

Aniyah said "Don't you dare say it's his fault you prick!"

The man shoved four fingers into Aniyah and she screamed out and the man laughed and said "Your gripping my fingers so tightly!"

Aniyah said "Get out of me!"

The man laughed and said "No!"

The camera man said "You have a mouth. Let's shut you up baby."

They unchained Aniyah to where she was laying down and they chained her back up and the camera man took his dick out and shoved it in her mouth and she started crying hysterically as the guy was roughly finger fucking her.

The camera man recorded him forcing Aniyah to suck him and he laughed and said "She ain't your girl no more Kaiden." and ended the video and sent it to Apollo.

The man removed his dick from her mouth and stood up and the man stopped fingering her and he licked his fingers clean and said "Damn.. you taste good."

Aniyah looked up at him and said "You like Kaiden's cum then bitch!"

The guys eyes widened and he ran to a corner and started forcing himself to throw up and the camera man said "HEY! We could have put our cum in you, but we didn't. Now shut the fuck up before we do!"

Aniyah stayed quiet and the man laughed and said "Good girl. Let's go H."

H and the camera man left the room and Aniyah sat up and tried to remove her chains but she couldn't, she started hitting them with her weak hands repeatedly and they didn't break. Aniyah tried to open them and she screamed in pain and they didn't budge.

Aniyah put back on her bra and covered her lady parts and sat there. After a few minutes H came back into the room and removed her chains and pulled on her underwear and started pulling her back to her room.

He pushed her in, chained her to the wall, and Aniyah said "Dont! I hate the dark!!"

H laughed and said "Fuck off" and slammed the door closed.

Aniyah curled up into a ball and started crying hysterically and said "Kaiden.. hurry.." in a sob.

The camera man walked into Apollos office and said "Did Kaiden get the last message?"

Apollo laughed and said "He did. It says read and video deleted."

The camera man said "There's no way he can find us.. or he can..?"

Apollo laughed and said "No. he definitely can't ."

The camera man said "Alright Apollo."

Apollo said "Why arent you having fun with Aniyah, Braden."

Braden said "I'm gay."

Apollo laughed and said "Oh yeah! Have a nice day Braden."

Braden left the room and closed the door and Apollo sat in his chair and he started watching the video, he started jacking off to Aniyah's body and her cries and he moaned out and said "Damn.."

End of Part Fifty Two

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