Part 28 - Honest Question

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At Kaiden's

Aniyah walked upstairs and grabbed some light gray sweats and a white tank top. She pulled those on and Kaiden walked in and said "Damn. I missed you taking your clothes off."

Aniyah laughed and turned around to him and said "Kaiden.. can I ask you something?"

Kaiden sat down on his bed and started removing his shoes and said "of course."

Aniyah said "are you gonna kill the guy?"

Kaiden looked at Aniyah and said "After he tells me who sent him after you. Then yes."

Aniyah nodded her head and looked down at her bags and grabbed out her white slippers. Kaiden said "Does that upset you?"

Aniyah looked at him and said "no. I know what you do. I don't agree with it, but I'll always support you."

Kaiden smiled and said "Thank you."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden stood up and removed his shirt and his jeans. Aniyah watched him and Kaiden pulled on some dark gray basketball shorts.

Kaiden looked at Aniyah and she smiled and Kaiden said "I'm gonna work out. You can do anything you like."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden smiled and walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead and then left the room. Aniyah took a deep breath and left. Aniyah walked down the long hall and she opened Blake's bedroom door and walked in.

She sat down on a chair next to him and said "Don't mind me."

Aniyah looked at Blake and she took a deep breath and said "You mean so much to him.. It's crazy."

Aniyah looked around his room and there was a picture on the wall, she got up and walked over to it and she looked at the photo, she saw two older people, young Kaiden, a beautiful girl girl laughing, who looks a little older than Kaiden, and younger Blake. They all we're laughing and just looking happy.

Aniyah smiled at the picture and she heard the bedroom door open and she turned around to Justin. Aniyah smiled and said "Hey."

Justin said "I see he showed you Blake."

Aniyah nodded her head and Justin walked over and said "That's Kaiden's dad, Franklyn, his mother, Alice, Blake, and his older sister Ashley."

Aniyah smiled and said "He looks so happy.." as she was looking at the photo.

Justin said "He was."

Aniyah said "Was?"

Justin said "his dad is married to someone else.. Kaiden acts like it doesn't bother him.. but it does."

Aniyah nodded her head and said "Divorced?"

Justin said "You can say that."

Aniyah said "Where is Ashley?"

Justin said "Well.. she lives with her boyfriend, in Florida."

Aniyah nodded her head and said "seems cool.."

Justin looked at her and said "I want you to be completely honest with me."

Aniyah looked at him in the eyes and said "Im always honest.. but okay."

Justin took a deep breath and said "Do you flirt with Landon? Or anyone else."

Aniyah said "no.. I don't."

Justin said "Do you like Kaiden?"

Aniyah said "I do. Alot actually.. I can be myself with him."

Justin smiled and said "Yeah.. I agree."

Aniyah said "oouuu, you like him." With a wink.

Justin grabbed a book and threw it at Aniyah. Aniyah laughed and said "Rude!"

Justin laughed and Aniyah picked up the book and then they both walked out of Blake's room together. Aniyah's phone dinged and she said "huh. Party tonight.. near my old school. Wanna come?"

Justin said "I'm down."

Aniyah and Justin walked downstairs into the game room and started watching movies with him. Until Kaiden finishes, or, someone comes up with the idea of something else.

End of Part Twenty-Eight


This was so short!! I'm sorrryyy :( i was at a wedding all day and didn't have enough time, currently 2 am and JUSTIN ISNT REPLYING TO KEEP ME AWAKE! Yes i talk too a real life Justin, fun fact. He's my bestfriend. <3

~ NyNy

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