Chapter 27 -Claiming her back / Kayden's point of view

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Everything felt prefect, yes we slept in our own rooms but I work up happy for the first time in years and I fucking love the feeling.

I walked to the lounge and saw my little princess sitting on the couch while her mom brushes her long brown hair.

My girls I am so grateful that I have a challenging yet perfect family and I will do everything in my power to keep them save.

I will give them the world if I have to, they complete me and I need to have my family back. I will never let them go never again.

Before I took a seat I kissed both of them on the head that make Leah jump.

"Awwww Daddy kissed mommy! Daddy kissed mommy. Mackenzie squealed and I just laughed at her silliness

"Stop being silly Baby and let's get you dressed. "Leah said to her.

We are currently just eating softly and I remembered that today is the day that her boss and his wife are surprising her because they miss her so much and just as that came to my mind the doorbell rang and the old Man walked in. "Mr. Thompson, Ms. Thompson thank you for joining us today" greeted them and saw the shock on Leah's face she suddenly jumped up and hugged them with the biggest smile on her beautiful face.

"Oh my, I missed you guys so much!!!"She said and they exchanges a few tears and hugs while I watched.

They day went by like a blur, we went to go eat had a wonderful time and I know she defiantly enjoyed every moment by the look on her face, Mackenzie played and she really has too much energy for such a small little body.

Mr. and MS Thompson asked if they can have Mackenzie sleep over for the night and bring her straight back in the morning because she is like a little granddaughter to them and they love her to bits but Leah seem to be too afraid to be without her but gives in when Mackenzie begs her to.

Mr. Thompson informed Leah that she can work for home every day and does not have to in the office which I prefer everything just seem to be to perfect and I will enjoy every moment of it.

We said our goodbye's and promised to do it more often and decided to meet for breakfast tomorrow morning when they drop Mackenzie.

As we entered the penthouse I took two beers from the fringe and went to the balcony and asked Leah.

"Please join me "and she accepted.

I gave her the beer and she returned a soft smile and I can see something is bothering her but do not want to push too hard.

"Thank you for the lovely day Kayden, it means allot to me "she said and that made me smile.

"No worries Muffin, I am glad you enjoyed every moment and I should be the ne to thank you for making me a very happy man "I said back to her

I placed my hands on her waist to pull her closer and in return she placed her head on my shoulder and stares at the beautiful sky.

"This is so beautiful "she said while remaining her eyes on the sky.

"No, You are so beautiful Muffin "I said back and she looked at me while placing her hand on my cheek and this time I did not even had a chance to kiss her first because her lips was on mine.

I was chock at first but soon recovered and kissed her back will al lot of need, the kisses got rougher and her hands keep on going through my hair.

I stopped to look at her and said for the second time. "If we don't stop I am going to have you right here "I whispered in her ear

She slowly took my hand and pulled me right in the penthouse all the way to my/our room, gently places her hands on my chest and brings her lips to mine once again.

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