The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...
I woke up the next morning and noticed an empty space next to me, I know that Kayden spend the night in my bed and I do remember everything that happened I am just shocked that he left me, maybe I am over reacting he does have work to go to.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Mackenzie and Angus laughing and joking around that brings a smile on my face I love my little girl and I am so thankful that Angus makes her feel at home even when I am distant some days, he understands and I know that I terrible of me and I will do anything to spend every moment with my baby it is just some days are harder than others.
"Morning Ms. McGregor, did you sleep well? "Angus said with a smile and when Mackenzie noticed my presence she jumped off the chair and came straight to me.
"HELLO MOMMY, ANGI IS GOING TO TAKE ME TO THE ZOO... UHHHH I AM SO EXCITED" She said happy screaming and hugged my legs.
"Well hallo my baby that's wonderful honey" I said to her and kissed her all over her face she giggled.
"Hallo Angus, I told you to call me Leah "I said to him.
"My apologies madam, Mr. Lockwood informed me that he will be at the office until late tonight, can I do the honor of ordering you some dinner because as you know we are having an extremely eventful day with the small Ms. "he said and smiled at Mackenzie.
"No that will not be necessary Angi but thank you for the kind gesture, you go have fun and don't stress about me "I waved them off and Mackenzie kissed and hugged me goodbye.
Now I am all alone in this penthouse with nothing to do so I decided to have me time and exercise and use Kayden's personal gym to my advantage.
I got dressed in my favorite comfy Calvin sports bra and grey leggings and off to the gym I go, I entered the gym and got my earphones out and started stretching.
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Lost in the moment of listening to my favorite music and stretching I turned around and bumped straight into a firm chest and saw Kayden look down at me and his eyes caught my attention the most which was dilated and full of lust.
I quickly removed my earphones. "H-hi sorry I used your gym without permission I just got a little bored."
"No need to apologies Muffin, I enjoy seeing you work out, please continue "he said with a wink and he also had gym wear on which gets my attention I might add , the way the shirt fits on his body lets me see every muscle.
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