The exact words he threw at my face still haunts my dreams every single night and I think I'm starting to believe him.
"Wish I've never met you I was so young and stupid, no wonder no one wanted to be with you, you are just holding me down and I...
We were on our way to the cabin and I can see it getting closer in my far view, and the nervous are killing me I need to get to her and now!
"I know you want to get to her as fast as possible but please just keep in mind that we have to be alive to save her and the phase that you are driving we will die soon enough "Elijah said while griping the seat with both hands.
We finally got to the cabin and I parked a few meters away so that they won't spot me I need to get in by surprise, I got out of the car and took a long way through trees to get in at the back Elijah followed close behind me.
As we get closer I saw someone outside smoking and told Elijah go around the other side if there is possibly someone else, as I creeped up on him I quickly tackled him to the floor and say that it was the one and only fucking Mason, I'm am going to kill this son of a bitch!
As we wrestled on the floor I threw punch after punch trying to keep him quiet from the house, I got him under control and walked to the cabin signaling Elijah to go to the front and I walked in the cabin with Mason keeping him as a shield/ hostage.
I heard someone talking on the phone and they sound to familiar I kept on walking to the person behind the voice and as I got close enough to see it was my brother and I am both hurt and disappointed in him.
How could he do this to me he knows exactly how much that girl means to me and I swear to God she is badly hurt I will rip his limps of and beat him with it!
I hit Mason on the back of his head with the gun and he fell to the floor with a loud thud, Jayden noticed and came to me. "Kayden I knew you will be coming here and not follow my simple instructions and what did I say regarding not following my rules? Guess that bitch will have to die now! "He said and pointed the gun to my head.
"You will not put another finger on her! I will make sure to kill you slowly brother!" I said to him through my teeth.
"This is all you're fucking fault Kayden, if you just gave me the business all of this would've never happened, but no Mr. Kayden wants to be all so powerful! I deserved it more than you and what happened father just fucking handed it to you without even acknowledged me! You took away what I wanted most and God I was so happy when she left, I loved every minute of seeing you hopeless and broken. Now that she is back everything just fell into place and I had a chance to for full my great plan and get revenge at the same time!"
"Jayden you know you could've just came to me as a fucking brother and tell me this but no you just had to take the most important thing in my life! Do you really thing I fucking care about that business? The only thing that made me whole is my family, looks like it just became smaller! I will make sure you pay for all of this brother or not you will feel everything she went through and more "I said to him in a low dangerous voice.
He laughed in my face and point the gun right in front of my face and just as he was about to shoot a grabbed the gun from his hand and chucked him to the wall, holding him by his neck I said to him "you will tell me where she is or I will kill you right here!" I punched him in the face
He spat me with his blood and laughed "You will never kill you're precious brother over some slut! And if you do kill me you will never know her whereabouts or even if she is breathing!" he said and laughed once more and that was enough to make my blood boil to maximum point.
I punched him in the face a few more times and he fell to the floor, once he was on the floor I just kept on punching and hitting him over and over again until my whole body is drenched in his blood, all of the sudden Elijah stopped me and said "Kayden! Kayden! Stop we need to find her I can't get her anywhere! You need to stop or you will be killing him and fucking spend the rest of your live in jail do you want that! I know you are angry but I need you to focus! Not for you not for me but for her! Now get up! "He said and pulled me up, I looked over Jayden and the damage I just cause I do wish it wasn't him, he is my brother my own flesh and blood for Fuck sake! I don't know what happened with him that he became so eager to get all the power.
I stood next to Elijah and watched Jayden's blood body on the floor I just need to find her now! And think about all the rest! I can see his chest still rising and falling that means he is still alive and a part of me wished that he was dead that will suit exactly what he means to me now, I just can't believe my own family went against me and took away what I loved!
We went off different directions and still couldn't find her anywhere and just as we were about to give up a saw a door that leads to a underground storage room that will be our last hope I walked softly to the door and signaled Elijah to follow me once he was done talking to th Police and telling them our whereabouts.
I got to the door and can hear someone talking and that sounds just like Leah! Before any warning I kicked the door open and what I saw broke my heart and soul, she was just lying on the floor with blood all over her body and I just wanted to make her feel better and that I will do!
Sarah was standing right beside her body and she shot her directly in the stomach and I was too late! I ran to Leah and Elijah took ahold of Sarah keeping her in place.
As I rushed to Leah I saw blood coming from her stomach and it was a lot, I can see the fear and hurt in her face and that breaks my heart, this is all my fault.
Please please be alright! Leah I need you to hold on for me! I can see her struggling to keep her eyes open and I just need her to fight!
"Baby I need you to stay awake! Please do not leave me!" I said to her in a calmed worried voice, I can't lose her now, God I will be lost without her I will never forgive myself if she died.
I picked her u and saw all the bruises on her body, this is all my Fucking fault I am going to lose the love of my life, NO THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN I WILL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IT TAKES TO MAKE HER NOT HURT ANYMORE! I PROMISE!
She is my rock and my anchor, Leah and Mackenzie is my entire world and I just can't be the one to say to Mackenzie that she lost her Mom because of me, she will hate me forever!
Please baby I need to you to fight for me and I promise I will do everything in my power to always protect you and keep you save! I promise to love and care for you until our last day!
"God dammit Leah you do not get to leave me again!" I screamed and ran with her to the ambulance that was standing outside.
I will never let you out of my sight again!!
Everything around me blurred and I just zoned out I need to focus on her and only her she needs to be alright!
For Mackenzie, for her friends , for her family and especially
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