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It has been a year already and time ready does fly by when you are having good time! I am actually so proud of myself I picked up where I left off with my dreams and started to build my career as an Industrial and organizational psychologist (I/O Psychologist), which basically means the science of human behavior relating to work and applies psychological theories and principles to organizations and individuals in their places of work as well as the individual's work-life more generally. I contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance, motivation, job satisfaction, and occupational safety and health as well as the overall health and well-being of employees of any kind of occupation.

I very much enjoy my career and it is really something that I love and I actually pay extremely well. I got a new small cozy little home for myself and Mackenzie, which by the way Laura was so sad about because she got use to have us around all the time but she understands that I need to feel independent and I still get to see her everyday due to her threatening me to join her at the gym or else as quoted 'she will cut of my most ''precious'' and feed it to her fish in the backyard pond. Mackenzie seem to be happy and still gets to see her dad even if Laura does my dirty work of dropping her off at his house which I seem to think is so coincidental of Kayden moving to California due work, I just think is it's because he want Mackenzie closer to him. Mackenzie seems to enjoy the back yard more than anything which contains a little swing set that Laura and Elijah got her for her 7th birthday.

It was a wonderful day outside today sunny sky and it's not to hot out just perfect, so I decided to go to the office with my very cute pencil skirt and a corporate sky blue blouse that fits quite nice if you ask me, it looks fitted buy wavy at the same time and match that with my black desire chai ankle gem heels, I just keep my long black hair simple in a bun on top if my head because of the weather don't want to get to hot and my make up as usual natural with a black wing on my eyes to make them seem light green.

AsI got everything ready to start the day which is like a routine for me everysingle day, wake up brush my teeth, wash my face go to Mackenzie's room get herawake with a lot of struggle, once she is awake get her to brush her teeth andwash her face and comb through her long curly brown hair which she got from herdad definitely, then I need to get her lunch ready while she gets dressed andthen only I can go to my room and hopefully get something descent to ware likeLaura always say I have no sense of style so most of the clothes in my closetshe made me bought. Wegot to my baby the first car I bought for myself and I am deeply in love withit my black 2016 Kia K900, buckled Mackenzie in the back and start heading outof the drive way to get her to school, like every other day I dropped her offat school got to my office building thank goodness it's not too far from herschool and I don't have to struggle in traffic.

I work with a lot of friendly people at Thompson's organizational psychology center and I really like my boss Mr. Gary Thompson and his wife Dianna they are like my work parents the sweetest old couple ever and I am so glad that I've found them.

When I reached the elevator to go to my floor which is on the very top 6th floor, I basically get squashed with hugs from one of my colleagues Sarah, she has become one of my few friend that I have learned to trust.

"O my good lord! I've missed you so much you are a terrible friend but I am glad you are my boss just saying you know!" she squealed and hugged me tighter.

"I am so sorry Sarah I am so busy lately and just don't have any social time at all, but I promise to make it up to you we need to plan a ladies night soon!" I stated and it looks like she just got overwhelmed by excited due to the scream she gives me and I am defiantly sure the whole building heard that.

"OH MY WORD I JUST CANT WAIT I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK YOU ARE THE B EST EVER PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN IM COUNTING ON IT!" She yells once more and I take the change to break away and get to the boardroom to great Gary and Dianna who called a very urgent meeting.

'Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed you weekend.' I calmly said while getting seated with my little black book.

"Well hallo darling, how is our favorite girl doing and yes thank you we enjoyed it very much relaxing'. Dianna said proudly.

Gary looks very nervous and it makes me scared to see him like this, I don't hope anything is wrong this meeting only started and it feels like.

" We brought you here today to give you one of our biggest contracts yet and both of us were wondering if you would be interstate to handle them for us we know you are more than capable to do that "Gary said very nervously and keep on glancing to Dianna for comfort.

"Of course I will be honored to be in charge of such a big contract "I stated

After the whole proposal and briefing I head out of the office and on my way to Mackenzie's school, as we arrived at home I started with dinner and all of the other responsibilities as a mother, checking homework getting her ready for bed and call it a day.

After the whole proposal and briefing I head out of the office and on my way to Mackenzie's school, as we arrived at home I started with dinner and all of the other responsibilities as a mother, checking homework getting her ready for bed and call...

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