Chapter 16 -Laura's point of view / missing

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Everyone was enjoying themselves and I did to but next thing I notice is that I am all alone on the dance floor and none of my friend are around, I took that as a sign and went to the bar to get a drink. After a few drinks still no one came back and I got worried.

As a walked off to go and search for them some grabbed my arm and I looked at a very angry Kayden staring at me" what's wrong Kayden? I asked because I can see something is bothering him.

"Laura I know you think I am a dick and I really don't care but now you need to listen to me and focus can you do that? "He asked and he is starting to scar me.

"Kayden you are scaring me what's going on where is Leah and Sarah?" I asked and looked all over to find them.

"I do not know where Sarah is but I know that Leah was taken Laura and we need to go to your home and plan how we are going to get her back "he said and I started crying

"No no I can't lose her Kayden what are we going to do "I cried and he took ahold of my hands and looked straight in my eyes.

"Listen to me Leah! I will find her now you need to please focus and do as I say so that we can find her am I clear? "He asked and I nodded with tears streaming down my face.

We walked to his car and drove to my house as soon as I got there Elijah saw me at and instantly got to his defense mode. "Honey relax he didn't do anything I need to speak to you lets go have a seat. "I said to him as we walked to the kitchen.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his lap and I started to explain. "Honey we had a wonderful time at the club but Kayden came to me and said that Leah is missing and I do not know what to do... It all my fault I should've left her alone. "I started sobbing and he kept me close.

"Hey it will be fine we will find her together, it's not your fault we will sort this out darling all that you need do is focus on the kids upstairs and be positive that we will find her my love. "He said while rubbing my back and he is right I need to be focused on the kids, Mackenzie is going to be heartbroken.

"Mackenzie, what are we going to say to her? "I asked while looking at Kayden and he looks terrible I must admit that he really cares about her and I know that he will do anything to find her.

"I'll talk to her "he stated and walked off.

I heard him call Mackenzie and they got seated in the living room, he took ahold of her little hands and I can see the worry in her eyes, she is just a child and she needs her mom and so do I to be honest I need her in my life se is my rock.

He started to explain to her and I instantly started crying.

"Princess I need you to listen to daddy right now and please let me finish "he said to her and she nodded.

"Your mom went out with auntie Laura to take a small break and I know she enjoyed herself because daddy was watching her and I made sure she was alright, daddy and Auntie Laura got distracted for only a few moments and now we can't find her baby but I promise that I will do everything in my power to find her and bring her back to you and all of us baby. "He explained and she sobbed, I just wanted to make her feel better.

"No it's all your fault you should've watched mommy! Now she's gone and is because all of you. Daddy you promised to always keep us save! I want mommy back. "She screamed and started hitting her dad on the chest and I just could stop crying she is right it's all our fault we need to fix it and bring our precious Leah back!

He took her hands to calm her down and she just cried and he simply said "Listen to me baby! I will bring her back we will make sure we get her back I promise baby i know you are upset and devastated but we all are, I will bring her back and whoever is responsible for taking your mom from us will pay baby. "He said and hold her tight to his chest rubbing her back.

"I need her daddy please bring her back to me, to us "she begged and I took her from her dad and hugged her.

I looked over to Elijah and walked closer took ahold of my waist and I can see he is also worried. "Kayden I need you to tell me what to do, what can I do to help you bring her back? "Elijah said with a rough voice.

"I will make some calls and luckily I know someone to track her phone and then we will be off to find her ourselves. Can I count on you to help me find her? "Kayden asked and looked Elijah in his eyes.

"I will do everything I can to help you bring her back! "He said and took Kayden's hand for a shake of agreement.

"Then it's settled, Laura I need you to lease keep them save and we will find her. "He said to me and I just nodded still in deep shock of everything happening so fast.

The men went off to discuss what to do and who to call and I just keep on drifting away... we can't lose her not now not ever she needs to be okay.

Every hour and every minute that goes by I feel like something inside me is drifting away and I just feel numb.

Please be okay Leah and I am sorry for not watching you back like you always watched mine!

Please be okay Leah and I am sorry for not watching you back like you always watched mine!

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