Chapter 25 - Accepting

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I woke up shortly after and he is sleeping beside me with his arm rested on my waist,

I quickly removed his arm and slowly got out of his reach trying not to wake him, I know what we have just done is extremely wrong and just confuses my emotions but sometimes I just wonder what it will be like if we were to get back together.

As for now I need to have some space and maybe get another perspective on this messed up situation.

The best person that will be able to give me honest advice will be Laura and that's just what I am going to do, I went to my room and automatically dialed her number for facetime after the forth ring she finally picked up.

"Hello my lovely! I am so glad to hear from you so tell me why it that you only phone back now? "She started ranting and I know I have been distant but she is a busy lady and I always feel bad if I disturb her.

"I am truly sorry, I just didn't want to disturb you all the time with my problems especially when you are busy "I said as quickly as possible

"nonsense you will never disturb me honey in fact I actually like to hear about everything it makes me feel important and my life is boring no drama I need a little action now and again "she said and I smiled.

"Okay well I am glad you said that because I really need you right now! "I said to her and started biting on my thumb nail.

"Well what are you waiting for spill your beans. "She said

"ImayormaynotsleptwithKaydenandnowthingsareakward."I said as quick as possible and took in a huge breath

"WHAT! Oh my god you got laid! Honey guess what Leah actually got laid and you owe me 50 dollars! "She said while laughing

"Why the hell would you tell him that? And bet on me really I am extremely disappointed "I said to her and she pouted which made me smile.

"Okay so now that Elijah left, I need details honey "she whispered and I can see her nose close to the phone.

"Things have been wonderful while living here and I know that Mackenzie loves it to but I do not want to get to attached and get let down once again, I do love him! But I am scared and I need you to be my guardian angel and give me some motherly advice as to what the hell I should do, I can't even look him in the eye Laura! "I explained to her

"Honey its easy if your heart tells you yes than go for it what do you have to lose? Yes you will have a broken heart once again but I will be there for you and you never know maybe it will be wort it in the end, I do also have a dislike in this guy for breaking my darling heart but it seems like he is good for you and on the plus side he is Gorgeous! "She says and sang the gorgeous.

"Oh and maybe have another session "you know what I mean" just to make sure "she wiggled her eyes and laughed.

"You are terrible yet I will always love you dearly!" I said to her

"Aww I love you more and I am just kidding honey now I need to get back to my meeting and I will call you soon okay! HUGGS" she said while holding her pinky to the phone.

"And KISSES" I said back and did he same with my pinky and ended the call.


After placing back and forth in my room I decided that I will go speak to him and get to know exactly what he wants to do before I make up my mind!

I fast walked to his room and opened the door without knocking and I froze right on the spot when I looked over at him.

He is drying his wet hair with a lose towel hanging from his waist and Oh my sweet honey tea this man is just as good as a model, he surely makes my knees weak!

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