Announcements And Confessions

Start from the beginning

His eyes softened, as if he read my mind he stood right back up and walked back towards me. With a warm and charming smile, he leaned down and kissed me. It wasn't like the others either, not full of hunger and lust, but it felt like kryptonite. Who knew a simple kiss could ever do such damage to me, fuck I never knew a man could do such damage to me.

I've always despised control, or anyone who tried to control me, but Damien...he doesn't have to try. He's got me wrapped around his finger, and you know what I don't mind it one bit. As long as it's him, as long as it's Damien.

"Fuck." He growled, huskily. 

His thoughts must have been the same as mine, because his reaction shows it all. I've taken the same thing he's taken from me, and I hope I'm not wrong or to hopeful when I say, his heart. 

My lips curve up. "Damien I L—"

Unexpectedly someone knocks on the door, Damien and I quickly back away from each other. Without being told, I sat down at my desk and started to write some gibberish in my binder. Seconds later after Damien composes himself, he opens the door and behind it was none other than Mrs. Clark.

Her left eyebrow has risen and suspicion seeps through her pretty blue eyes. She knows about us, and from the look she's giving us, she also knows what we've been up to. In her hands was a green folder, she handed it to Damien, averting her eyes from mine.

"Mr. Black, when your done with your lesson, I'd be very thankful if you review this essay for me and tell me if you find anything wrong with it. I'm a Math teacher, I honestly don't know why they gave my students an essay, when they could have given a simple math test with math problems." Mrs. Clark complains, then hands him the folder.

Damien stares vacantly at her. "Lory...I don't know what I' know looking for in these essays."

"Grammatical errors, that's all, I've never been good with grammar." She says, that same angelic smile plastered on her face. "Anyways," Her eyes land on me. "Prepare yourself for the essay test Ms. Grey, okay?"

I nod my head. "Sure."

With that, she left.

Then we concluded our lesson, and I went to my next class.


When I get home, my attention instantly lands on the couple cuddled together on the couch. This was both surprising and uncomfortable. Mom and dad have made peace, during the month, they say they've still got stuff to work out but for now everything between them is good. She's even sleeping in his bed, and from the random sounds at night I hear from their bedroom, they're having sex too.


Mom and I have been trying to work out our issues, but unlike dad, I don't forgive so easily. Yes, I have verbally told her she's off the hook but my trust level is at rock bottom. I'm to fearful that if I truly accept that she's back, that she'll just...vanish again. The first time was traumatizing, but the second, will devestate me if I give all. 

"Oh, Roxanne!" Mom slides off the couch, and walks over to me. "Get dressed, we're going out to dinner."

My eyebrows rose. "Dinner? What's the occasion."

"I've got something to announce." She says, her voice warm but...with hint of sadness. "Wear something pretty, and invite Damien too, I think he should be there too."

I didn't have anything to say but. "Okay?"

"Great, you and him have an hour." 

I nod, and walk up the stairs to call my Damien.

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