Part 83 - " your voice is my therapy "

Start from the beginning

She then walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth and combed out her hair.

She then walked downstairs and Kaiden was wearing a light gray button up t-shirt, with his leather jacket over, his black jeans, and his black boots.

She then walked downstairs and Kaiden was wearing a light gray button up t-shirt, with his leather jacket over, his black jeans, and his black boots

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Aniyah walked up to him and said "Oouu, my little bad boy."

Kaiden rolled his eyes playfully and opened the front door for her and she smiled and walked past him and Kaiden smacked her ass, Aniyah jumped and looked back at him and said "What? I'm a "bad boy"

Aniyah laughed and Kaiden chuckled and closed the front door and set his alarm and Kaiden said "You're so beautiful."

Aniyah blushed bright and said "Thank you baby."

Kaiden opened the passenger door for her and she smiled and got in and Kaiden closed it and quickly walked to his side, got in, and drove away fast to school.

After a few minutes Kaiden parked and he was about to open the door and Aniyah said "Hey Kaiden.."

Kaiden looked at her and said "Yes sunshine?"

Aniyah said "Can we.. Can we go to a empty road tonight?"

Kaiden said "What for?"

Aniyah said "I wanna.. I wanna drive fast, but I want to be with you.. I drove fast with Ashton the other day, but it just wasn't the same.. I want to be with someone I'm comfortable with."

Kaiden smiled and said "Your ready to race?"

Aniyah said "baby steps."

Kaiden grabbed her hand and kissed it and said "Yes baby, we can do that tonight."

Aniyah smiled bright and they got out of the car together and closed their doors and Aniyah walked to Kaiden's side and he wrapped his arm tightly around her and Gabby walked by with Halsey the cheerleader.

Aniyah looked at Justin and Gabby checked out Kaiden and Aniyah looked at her Instantly and said "Keep walking!"

Gabbys eyes widened in fear and she walked away fast with Halsey and Aniyah rolled her eyes and Justin laughed and said "Some girls are truly sad.. She knows Kaiden doesn't want her."

Aniyah said "She's doing it to feel like a bad bitch."

Kaiden raised an eyebrow and said "Jealous?"

Aniyah said "I just don't like girls eye fucking you."

Kaiden said "I'll let her know."

Aniyah said "Let her know what?"

Kaiden leaned down and whispered "That you're mine, and I'm yours."

Aniyah smiled and looked up at him and he kissed her forehead and Justin was texting Camila and Justin said "I'm thinking about asking Camila to transfer here. I don't like not having my eyes on my pregnant girlfriend."

Aniyah said "YES!! HAVE HER TRANSFER!!"

She ran to Justin and said "pleaseeee!!"

Kaiden and Justin laughed and Justin said "Alright Alright, I'll ask her."

Aniyah smiled and said "Perfect!"

The bell rang and Kaiden grabbed Aniyahs hand and interlocked their fingers and they said goodbye to Justin and Aniyah said "Didn't we have first period together?"

Kaiden said "My schedule changed. Weird ass shit."

Aniyah laughed and said "At least we still got third together."

Kaiden said "Exactly."

They got to Aniyah's first period and Kaiden grabbed her waist and pulled her into him and he looked down into her eyes and said "I'll make sure she knows that I'm yours, and no one, and nothing will ever change that."

Aniyah smiled bright and Kaiden kissed her, she kissed him back and Aniyah's teacher said "Aniyah. Please keep it PG."

Kaiden grabbed Aniyah's ass and looked at the teacher and pulled Aniyah close and Aniyah laughed and pushed Kaiden off and said "PG bad boy."

Kaiden smirked and said "See you in third sunshine."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden kissed her forehead and walked away and Aniyah smiled and watched him walk away and Kale and Blane joined him and Aniyah turned around and walked into class, she saw Ashton on his phone and Aniyah sat down next to him in Jayden's old seat and Ashton said "Johna says Jayden might get out in a month."

Aniyah said "Perfect! Right in time for summer after graduation ."

Ashton said "What are you gonna do for graduation?"

Aniyah said "I'm thinking of asking Kaiden to go to france again, I miss it there and I miss his family."

Ashton said "Kaiden was born in france?"

Aniyah nodded her head and said "He moved here the 8th grade I believe."

Ashton said "Oh cool. You like his family huh?"

Aniyah nodded her head and said "Good thing I understand french, his aunt barely speaks English, but his sister is really sweet. We get along well."

Ashton said "How old is she?"

Aniyah said "I actually dont know.. I think she's in her 20's though."

Ashton said "That's cool. Well, I hope you have fun."

Aniyah smiled and said "Thank you."

End of Part Eighty-Three

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