"I thought him and I weren't supposed to be together."

"Technically, you're not. We still don't know the full extent of the powers you two have."


She simply smiled at me before standing up. "But, look at Jace and Clary. If the universe wants two people to be together, they'll be together no matter what."

I smiled and nodded my head before watching her walk out of my room. Reaching behind me, I picked up my knife and twirled it around before placing it on the table by my bed. A knock on the door made me turn around.

"Hey," Clary said, opening the door and walking in.


"Are you okay."

I simply shook my head and watched as she closed the door, put what she was holding on the end of the bed, and gave me a hug. I was able to hold it together for a few more moments before breaking down.

"This is all just way too much," I said when I had calmed down enough to be able to talk.

"I know," Clary said, getting up to get the box of tissues I had in the bathroom.

"Thank you," I replied, taking one and blowing my nose. "Nothing makes sense right now and I honestly don't know when it actually will."

"I know the feeling all too well."

"It's like I'm pissed off at Vincent for basically lying to me about my parents, but I hate fighting with him. It doesn't help much that Tessa talked to me and said that Jem and her were the ones that wanted him to keep it from me."

"Did she tell you why?"

"She wanted to tell me when I would have the time to process it and wanted to make sure that they knew for sure that it was the truth."

"And they do now?" I nodded my head. "Well, at least we know that it's all the truth. Saves some guesswork and some 'what if' questions."

"Yeah and I know that they had good intentions with not telling me. That doesn't change the fact that I feel like I should've been told as soon as they thought about it."

"They just didn't want to tell you in case they were wrong. It wouldn't have done anyone any good to get worked up about something if it turned out to be the wrong conclusion."

"I guess...I just wish it didn't feel like people are trying to keep me out of everything. I get that Gray took me once already so everyone is on edge and the news about my parents did screw with me mentally. I just wish people didn't see me as the weak girl I was when I got here. Like, I know about how Gray works and now that I know about my parent, I could help make plans."

Clary turned to me and brushed some hair out of my face. "No one thinks you're weak. There's just been a shit ton of stuff going on around here and everyone needs time to process everything we know. We all know you have valuable information from spending time with Gray and no one is saying that you can't help. The only thing people are saying, especially Tessa and Jem, is that you deserve a time when you can simply take whatever time you need to process what you've learned and what's happened to you. No one can process everything in such a short span of time and they just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Nodding my head, I took a few deep breaths. "It would've been easier if someone had just told me that before shit hit the fan."

Clary smiled softly. "A lot of things would've been easier if they happened earlier or we knew things we know now when they happened. All we can do is deal with what happens now with the new information we have."

"You have any advice on what I should do with the whole Vincent situation?"

She leaned back and thought for a moment. "I definitely think you should talk to him. It doesn't have to be tonight, since I'm sure the both of you are still heated from that argument you had, but a conversation needs to be had. Explain to him why you felt the way you did and tell him what you know now."

"There might be a tiny problem with that." Clary tilted her head to the side and I had to take a deep breath before saying, "I may have kissed Tyler...and Vincent may have seen."

"Hold up...you did what?" When I simply nodded, she breathed out, "Oh boy," before she was quiet for a minute. "Okay, well since I don't want what happened to me to happen to you, definitely address it. I know you were probably drinking a lot and you were pissed at Vincent, so your judgment was clouded."

"That's an understatement. The only problem is I know he's going to ask me if I regret it."

"Do you?"

I sat back before saying. "No. Was I a little buzzed and pissed? Yeah, but that was what I needed and wanted in the moment. Tyler was there for me when I was with Gray and he was what I needed to let loose after everything."

"I get it. He was there for you when your world basically got flipped upside down. Vincent will most likely be pissed, which is understandable, but you'll definitely need to address it with him."

"Ugh, so much I need to talk to him about that he's gonna be pissed about...why can't life just be easy?"

"I wish I knew the answer," she said, standing up. "For now, I think you could use a good night's sleep. Talking to Vincent can wait until tomorrow."

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you," I replied, moving to hug her.

"Anytime. Now, go get changed. I'm gonna hit the bathroom real quick."

I nodded my head and waited until the bathroom door closed before moving to change into my pajamas. After Clary left the bathroom, I went in to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I finished, I walked over to my bed and laid down, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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