Chapter Four

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He turned his blinker to go right and we were going on a ditch road.  "We're almost there," he answered.

The rest of the ride was silend until we stopped in front of a field with a red shed in the center of it.  "Um, where are we?" I asked.

"We're in a field," he answered obviously.

"So why did you take me here?" I asked.

"This is where I like to relax sometimes.  In the back is a lake with a swing rope and in the shed are towels and swim suits," he said getting out of his car.

"We're going swimming?" I asked getting out of the car and following Kole to the shed.

"And swinging on a rope," he answered.  I rolled my eyes and went in the shed.  When I looked at the bathing suits, there were only bikinis and swim trunks.  I looked at the hot pink one which was the only one that covered most things, but it was still stringy.  I sighed and Kole must of heard me because he said, "What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing," I said and he rolled his eyes.  "Fine, it's just these things are super small."

He laughed and took the swim suit and looked at it and then looked at me.  "You'll look great in it, trust me."

I gave him a spectical look and took the swim suit back and started to walk to the door on the right and opened it and found a bedroom.  I turned to look at Kole who looked kind of embarrassed and mostly proud that I found that room.

"Yah, the bathroom is the door on the left," Kole said pointing to the door.  "But we can go in the bedroom if you want, I mean I don't mind at all."

I cocked an eyebrown and shook my head and headed for the bathroom door and before I opened the door, I turned back and said to him, "Maybe later, but just so you know I'm not gonna be the one to take my clothes off."

I hurried into the bathroom before he could answer and shut the door.  I put my back against it and took a deep breath, I can't believe I just said that!  Oh my god, I'm so nervous to face him now, like my hands are literally shaking.  I closed my eyes and opened them again and when my focus was actually on the bathroom my jaw dropped.  The bath tub was like a huge sink and it was pure white.  The sink was silver and on the right wall behind the tub was a huge mirror and to the left were big white double doors that was opened and filled with towels.  The walls were black which made the room like a little more darker.  The toiled was against the wall that was across from me and it wasn't anything amazing like the bath tub.

I put my bikini on quickly so I didn't keep Kole waiting.  Once it was on, I stepped out of the bathroom and I saw Kole standing there with his arms crossed looking at the ceiling.  "I'm ready," I said to him and he looked at me up and down and smirked.  I looked at him and he had a nice 6 pack going on.

"You ready to go swinging on ropes?" he asked sounding excited like a little boy on Christmas.

I nodded my head and said, "Yes!"

He smiled and led me outside to where the lake which looked beautiful!  The water was crystal clear and behind the lake was the woods which looked like it went on for miles.  The swing rope was a couple feet down to the right of the shed.

"Do you want to go first?" Kole asked me.

"Um, how do you get on it and then land in the water?" I asked him my face getting a little bit red from emarrassement and bitting my lip.

Kole laughed and nodded to the rope with is head.  I followed him to the rope and he motioned me to go in front of him.  "So you have to jump on the rope first, but I'll help you."  He grabbed onto my hips and lifted me up onto the rope.  He leaned up against my back and put his lips by my ear and said softly, "Now I'm going to push you over the lake and when you get out far enough let go, or do you need me to get on with you?"

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