Chapter Three

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*Not proof read*  READ AUTHOR'S NOTE, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!

Just my luck, we're playig volleyball in gym and Cassidy's best sport is volleyball.  Mrs. Benson came walking in the gym and she said well yelled, "Okay ladies we're gonna have two captains.  Cassidy and Nicky you two are up."

I rolled my eyes as Cassidy walked beside Mrs. Benson with her head held high and chest out.  Before Mrs. Benson could say who's first, Cassidy said, "I pick Lindsay."

Lindsay flipped her hair and stood beside Cassidy and gave me a dirty look.  I rolled my eyes at them and picked, "Melany."

Melany was the captain of the volleyball team and she can spike the ball so hard I swear she puts a hole in it.  "Well then I pick Jaci."

Jaci's the co-captain and is just as good as Melany, but Jaci's the setter.  "Allie, you're with me," I said.  Allie's one of Cassidy's friends, but not like Lindsay.








I think I have a pretty good team.  So to clear things up, my team is:  Melany, Allie, Rachael, Danielle, and Helen.  That's 6 of us including me, and most of them are volleyball except me obviously and Danielle.  The other girls told us where to stand and what to do.  It doesn't seem that hard, but I spoke to soon when the ball came and hit me in the head.  "Ouch!" I complained.

Cassidy and her friends were laughig and high-fived each other.  God I can't stand them, first the car incident and now volleyball.  They're really gonna get it now.

*Flashback*-Sophomore Year

"Come on Nicky pick up the pace," Mrs. Benson yelled as we were running the mile.  What's the point of running it, everybody walks anyway except for the show offs: Cassidy and Lindsay.

"Yah, you need to loose some of the baby fat," Lindsay said running up beside me.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I take it that you have a mistaken me for yourself.  Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

Lindsay scowled at me and Cassidy came to the other side of me and said, "Don't worry Lindsay, she's just jealous that she can't confess of what a fat ass she is.  I mean seriously you have to be overweight by now."

They ran away from me and left me leaving there wanting to punch them in the face.  The day will come, I just know it.  One day they're really gonna make me mad and they're not gonna expect what's coming.


Jaci set it up to me and I spiked it and hit Cassidy right in the face.  I couldn't help but laugh a little bit to myself.  "Mrs. Benson!  Nicky hit me on purpose!" Cassidy complained to the teacher.

Mrs. Benson just rolled her eyes and said, "It's part of the game Cassidy, man up and play the game how it's supposed to be played."

Cassidy let out a sigh and game me daggers.  I smirked and waved.  I didn't know what came over me because I said to her, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Her eyes widened then rolled.  Wow, she really thinks she can make my high school school career hell without any payback?  Well listen up bitch, I'm gonna make your senior year a year that you'll never forget.


After I got changed, Cassidy and Lindsay were waiting for me outside of the locker room.  "Well fancy meeting you two here," I said to them not realizing what's gotten into me.

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