Chapter 36: Action Flick

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Chapter 36: Action Flick


Breakfast was thankfully, not as gruesome as I'd expected it to be. Mostly, because everyone seemed to be taking chances to change the subject – I don't think Aiden managed to get two words in. Besides, I was busy stuffing myself with a week's worth of Coco Pops...I even surpassed Thomas.

However, now that we were heading back to the room, I was quite possibly back to square one. My master plan was to grab my purse, save Thomas from Kara and go watch a movie before Aiden had a chance to bring the topic back up again – maybe we'll watch an action flick rather than a kids' movie as merit for him being thrown under the bus.

Swipe keycard and open room door --- check

Spot purse near bedside table --- check

Grab purse and phone --- check

Make a run for it ---

"So, you never want to have kids...ever?"

Ah dammit.

My escape route was blocked by a shirtless Aiden – he was clearly not playing fair. The look of concern plastered on his face was not helping either. My hormones were all over the place, I was way too flustered to have this conversation right now but the last thing I wanted to do was to pick a fight with him – not when he was about to leave for his meeting – why the hell was he pushing it so much?

"I don't know, Aiden – I guess I hadn't really thought about it", I said intently, trying to keep my hormonal rage in check.

"Well, think about it now?", he asked, completely oblivious to my battle of emotions.

"Fine", I bit out – wanting to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"Well?", he asked impatiently after a few seconds.

"Oh, you meant now, now?", I grasped.

He nodded.


"What's the rush, Aiden?", I sounded deflated – all this internal combatting was taking a toll on me.

"There's no rush. I just think it's time", he said matter-of-factly.

"It's time?", I paused, "Just like you think, it's time to leave on a whim to expand the firm? Have you even given any thought of what is entailed in raising a child? Are you planning to do it from half way across the world?", I asked feeling my nerves heat up.

"Of course – ", he began, but I didn't give him a chance to reply my clearly rhetorical questionnaire.

"Why are you so set on it not being just the two of us? Are you finally getting sick of me? Do you just need something to keep you entertained when you get back every couple of months? If I'm not good enough I'd suggest you chose a less demanding option than having a bloody baby!", I ranted with the sole intention of ticking him off – I sometimes surprised myself at this weird reverse psychology thing I went for.

In all honesty, I hated not having him around – I mean it was fine when it was once in a while but if he was going to move here without even knowing for how long – it could take forever. I don't think I could last a forever that didn't include him. I needed him and every time he left, it was like a piece of me was ripped out.

I was losing it and it was only for the mere thought of him not being there. What if he actually left? Whatever this was, whatever I was feeling right now, it was scaring me shitless.

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