Part 12, Section 2

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Walking slowly me and Emily were still holding hands. We were at the place were I left Sakura. There was no sign of her anywhere, I decided not to tell Emily about Sakura because she would just judge me and ask why I did what I did. I want to protect Emily.

Suddenly we heard shuffling and moaning. The deceased started spilling from the building around us. There was far less than I saw before I started drowning. There was about 15 of them so nothing we can't handle. Coming closer to us we began to see what they were like and they smelt so bad. They looked like all the others i have seen. Boils, ripped clothes, puss and blood all over them. Out of nowhere Sakura came out of a building. She had turned into a zombie that's why the giant walked over and didn't kill her because she was changing and turning. Boils covered her face, puss smeared over it, blood was dripping down her mouth, her teeth were sharper than all the others and she was carrying a wooden pole from a bed.

Sakura hobbled over to me.

"This is what you deserve." She wheezed and swung the bed post upwards in between my legs.

I screamed and fell to my knees in pain.

Emily came rushing over to Sakura and took the fish of her belt and slapped Sakura with it 5 times. After that she got out a knife that I didn't know she had. Emily stabbed the knife deep into Sakura neck. Sakura fell on the floor. Finally she's actually dead.

Emily came over to me.

"This is the second time I had to save your life." Emily boasted.

"I don't think I can have children anymore." I whispered as it hurt to talk.

Emily helped me to my feet. I bent over in pain still.

Emily started laughing.

"It's a shame I didn't give you that pain because I like seeing you in pain I witnessed." She laughed.

I managed to get back up it still hurt but I had to fight. I smiled at Emily as to say you can soon. Then got back into the fight. I took the pole that Sakura hit me with and started swiping at the defending zombies. I smacked one around the face. Blood spurted out of its mouth. Emily started battering the zombies with the fish. The fish started coming apart, after the fish came completely apart she started stabbing them with the knife that she stabbed Sakura with. The diseased fell down all around her as she swiped and stabbed and slashed at the zombies. Then after about 5 zombies were killed including Sakura the rest stopped fighting us and walked and ran away. That was the end of that fight. None of us were hurt. We cheered as the zombies ran away taunting them. Emily ran and jumped on me wrapping her arms around my neck. Started to kiss me, I held her up with my hands on her thighs as she started kissing me. When we finally stopped kissing I dropped her and let her down slowly. The others were just looking at us and smiling and clapping and cheering. Eventually we turned and started walking away from the battle ground.

Slowly we walked. It was getting dark and cold. We found a house that looked like it was untouched by the dead but we could not be sure until we checked it out. Opening the door slowly, Emily didn't let my hand go. I looked in. The house looked pretty mush untouched. Apart from the odd smear of blood here and there  over the wall. The house had cobwebs all over it that why I thought it looked untouched. 

Opening the door more, I walked in dragging Emily in with me. Trying the switch to turn on the light, the light didn't turn on. Our eyes need to adjust to the darkness. 

When our eyes adjusted properly to the darkness we managed to make out objescts. We took no notice of them. Rummaging around to find the stairs, I dragged Emily up the stairs and into a room that I thought was a bedroom. It was. I made out the outline of a double bed. I felt around on the bed. No blood, no stickyness no one was in it. It was untouched. I Jumped on it. I was so tired it was a long day. I lay there and dragged Emily on the bed beside me. She laid beside me, Put her arms around me. Then she placed her head on my chest. I put my arms around her making her feel safe. She must have been tired to because as soon as she hit the bed and put her arms around me she went to sleep straight away. I felt safe with Emily cuddling up to me. SO there was nothing to worry about. I closed my eyes. Trying to sleep. In the safety of Emily's arrms. 

Neither Living Nor DeceasedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang