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Part 3: The Blame

My eyes opened suddenly and saw that Gabriel was next to me and Liam was next to Greg but he wasn't moving and he was bright purple in the face so I nudged Gabriel to wake him up.

"Gabriel." I said. "Wake up you lazy ass"

"What is it?" He asked furiously. 

"Look at Liam it looks like Greg strangled him." I said.

"Oh yeah let's see if he's still alive." Gabriel said.

We went over to Liam and felt his breath there was no breath he wasn't breathing. He was dead. 

Just at that moment Greg woke up and started having a coughing fit and he had a boil on his right cheek.

"Let's go son it's time to get up now I hope you've had a nice sleep." Greg said to his dead son.

When his son didn't answer Greg got up and looked at his bright purple face and shook him.

"Wake up son let's go" Greg said louder than intended.

When he said that loudly it woke everyone else on the bus up and they all looked at him and then at Liam and gasped in shock.

I reached to touch Liam.

"Get away from him he's my son" Greg yelled.

"Yeah but you killed him." I replied.

"No I didn't." Greg yelled back just as he did he sneezed and blood cam out his nose.

He got up and walked towards me and Gabriel who were kneeling on the floor. When he advanced on us we backed away. He coughed and spat on the floor there was blood in his spit.

"He's getting diseased." I whispered to Gabriel.

Behind us were the girl who doesn't speak English and Courtney and the other girls.

We were backed up against the back of the bus now and trapped. Just then other dead, diseased people were outside battering the bus.

"If only you had your rifle." I said to Gabriel.

Gabriel lost his rifle when we were battling the dead in the fight for our lives before Greg came along and saved us.

Greg came closer and closer. I saw a hammer that say break glass in an emergency. So I broke the glass and got the hammer and smashed the window where there was no diseased.

"Cmon guys out through the window as soon as u get out follow Gabriel and run as fast as you can you got it." I said. 

"What about you." Gabriel asked me. 

"Don't worry about me I'll be right behind you." I said.

Then the climbed out the window Courtney first then Brooke then Alyssa and then the person who doesn't speak English, they all started running in the same direction.

"Goodbye for now I'll see you north we'll keep running north and we'll see you and you'll see us." Gabriel reassured me. And he hopped out the window and followed the others and was running north just as he said. 

Just as I tried to crawl out the dead blocked my way out. I saw Gabriel look back at me.

"KEEP RUNNING!" I shouted after him. He stopped and told the others to wait behind a tree for him.

He came running back. He did a massive drop kick in the back of one of the diseased. He did it so hard you could hear his back crack it was like someone broke there bed during having to much fun.

Gabriel grabbed me out the bus and I stood up and he started running so I followed back to old habits. We met the others right were Gabriel told them to wait.

"I thought I told you to keep running." I said to Gabriel. 

"Oh sorry big man I'll be waiting for a thank you soon." Gabriel said.

"Okay thank you for disobeying orders." I said.

"Oh sorry boss would you rather me left you to be eaten alive by them diseased." Gabriel replied.

"No thank you for coming back for me." I said.

"No problem that's what friends are for right?" He said and punched me in the shoulder.

"Right." I said rubbing my arm.

Then we kept on running...


Neither Living Nor DeceasedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz