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I was woken by Alyssa shaking the shit out of me literally. Then a sudden slap around my face.

"What the hell was that for i'm up." I shouted wiggling my jaw from the pain.

"That slap was from Courtney." She replied. "Now get your bum out of bed General Jordan wants to talk to us."

"I'm tired though." I told her closing my eyes again.

Alyssa slapped me again.

"Stop bloody slapping me." I screamed. "It hurts you know."

"Then get out of bed." She said to me.

"Okay." I said with a yawn.

Then got out of bed and walked to the door with Alyssa. She opened the door. We walked down the corridor and went into a room. Jordan was there waiting with his arms crossed. 

"How was your sleep. Sleepy head." Jordan said to me.

"It was nice the best sleep I've had in ages." I said back.

"Good." He said. "Come here both of you."

We walked to Jordan. There was guards at the door. 

"You're leaving today." Said Jordan to us. 

"Why? I thought we agreed to stay until we get our strength back." I asked.

"Change of plans." He spoke.

"What changed your mind." I asked.

"I told you your leaving today." He replied.

"But We'll die because there's only two of us." I said. 

"That's not my problem." He acknowledged. 

"Cmon let's go." I said to Alyssa.

We walked out the door and went to see Sakura.

She was where she was yesterday. But she was getting ready to go somewhere.

"I wanted to say bye Jordan is kicking us out." I told her.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"I'm coming with you." She acknowledge. 

"What you don't have to." I told her.

"I never really liked Jordan. He has always been a dick." She said to me.

"Oh okay." I said and whispered "Yes" under my breath.

Me, Alyssa and Sakura walked out of the doors and walked down the hall. 

"HEY!" I heard someone shout. we turned around It was Jordan.

"Where do you think your going Sakura?" Jordan asked.

"I'm going with these people." She replied.

"Did I give you permission to disobey orders?" He said to Sakura.

"Your not my dad Jordan I can do what I want and I never liked you In the first place." Sakura half shouted at him.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. I punched him round the face and he let go of her arm and we ran around the corner and towards the main doors we pushed them open, and carried on running to the gate we saw Ralph this time he had hunting dogs with him. 

"Ralph open the gate." Sakura shouted. 

"Ralph don't open the gate!" Jordan shouted.

"Please Ralph I'm begging." Sakura told him.

"If you open the gate Ralph I'll kill you myself." Jordan shouted at him.

"Cmon Ralph you can come with us we need as much help as we can get." Sakura told him.

Ralph pulled a leaver and the gates opened we rushed out and Ralph followed before the gates closed again two more people ran out. Then the gates closed again and Jordan stopped.

"Who are you?" I asked the two people who ran out. They looked about 14 and were carrying spears. 

"Our name's are I'm Olivia and this is my brother Conner we're twins." Tom said to me.

We started running again. The dogs were pulling Ralph. 

"What the hell happened?" Ralph asked me.

"Jordan kicked us out and Sakura decided to come with us and then Jordan pulled Sakura back I punched him in the face that's why we were running and needed you to open the gates for us." I replied.

"Oh bad man your brave punching Jordan." He said.

"Yeah it hurt my hand." I said back.

"You must've punched him quite hard then." He said back to me.

We stopped running when we were in a safe distance from Buckingham Palace. 

Sakura walked next to me. "Thanks for saving me back there." She told me.

"No problem I'm glad I could help." I said back.

She blushed when I said that.

"Your cute when you blush." I whispered to her so no one could hear.

"Thanks not as cute as you." She whispered back.

This time I blushed.

We heard people shouting behind us. We started running again and then we hid behind big thick trees and cars and let them pass.

We walked on...


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