Part 8, Section 4

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I was woken by a hard slap around my face by Josh I stared at him stunned. I screamed because it hurt so much. He quickly silenced me with his hand over my mouth. When he finally let go I said "Why the fuck did you do that."

"Shhhhh." He hushed me.

I did as I was told and he helped me up. There was a metal pole on the floor and he picked it up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"We're being attacked by zombies." He acknowledged. Just then we heard a scream.

It was one of the girls they had fallen and the zombies were scrambling at her and trying to eat her alive. Josh ran at them with the metal pole above his head he smacked them over the head they didn't budge he hit them again, the zombie he was hitting straightened up and stared at him, he looked less diseased than the ones he has seen before. Josh hit him again but this time the zombie reacted and reached for the pole and grabbed it then the zombie grabbed Josh by the throat and threw the pole on the floor, he lifted Josh of the floor so he was strangling him. Josh was going purple in the face and I was just there watching in shock again like when the disease first hit. Someone rushed past me hitting my shoulder to knock me out of my shock. I looked around and when I saw Josh being strangled I rushed over to him and over to the zombie that was holding him and kicked him, then I ran to pick up the metal pole and hit the zombie round the head, the pole snapped in half over his head and he didn't move someone shouted at me and threw a sword at me for me to catch. I caught it and swung at the zombie's leg, the sword went straight through cutting through the bone, he fell on the floor and dropped Josh on the floor. I ran over to josh to see if he was breathing, he was but faintly. He had a bruise around his neck. It was getting bigger by the minute. Then suddenly I felt something crack around my skull. I fell onto the floor with a thump and then just before I closed my eyes I saw something I didn't want to see. I saw people screaming, and then I could swear I saw Greg but i couldn't see clearly because it was all blurry and then i closed my eyes. 


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