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PART 7: Extinction

"Where's Conner?" I asked the others.

They all looked at me and shrugged. I looked back to the way we had run. I started to walk back the way we came and Sakura put her hand on my shoulder she was wearing black nail vanish.

"It's to dangerous to go back." She said.

"I left him behind and you never leave a person behind." I replied.

"He's probably dead though." Sakura acknowledged.

"You don't know that." I said.

"He was stuck with a zombie, he's dead." Sakura said.

I touched Sakura's hand. And said "fine for you."

And turned and walked with the others.

It was getting dark and we had no more houses to go to that were open they were all locked we could kick it down but that will attract the dead.

Suddenly there was movement in the darkness up ahead like shadows they were fast and swift.

They came closer then we saw around 30-35 zombies coming towards us.

Then they came out of houses and they were creeping out of every corner where I can see. There was a woman zombie at the front she was holding a knife she looked like the leader.

"Since when did the dead know how to use knives?" Sakura asked.

I looked at Alyssa and said "maybe Greg was right."

"Wait who's Greg?" Asked Sakura.

"Long story." I said "and I don't have time to tell it now when we have these bastards to kill."

They (the dead) came closer and closer. When they were in scratching distance. I had nothing, no weapons but luckily Olivia had two swords on her back. 

She threw one of them to me and I swung and chopped one of the zombies arms off.

The woman leader was at the back watching it was like chess letting all the pawns go first to get sacrificed. Then at the end she comes.

I started singing "in the end as we fade into the light" as I stabbed a zombie in the throat "who will tell the story of your life." As he fell on the floor.

The dead was falling all around us and we were winning so far. Then I saw the leader step forward sword in hand.

"Guys watch out." I shouted to the others and pointing were the leader was coming.

She was at the front of the gang now.

Olivia swung at her with her sword she just grabbed it and threw it on the floor. Her hand was raised above her head and then her hand came down heavily and sliced Olivia's cheek open she clutched it and was screaming and crying. Then the leader booted Olivia and she went flying into a car. She was unconscious again.

She sliced at Ralph's legs and he yelped and fell on the floor. Then Sakura had her sword in her hand and was ready for her. The leader raised her hand but I ran in front of the knife and the knife sliced down from my neck to my hip but it wasn't hard enough to spurt blood everywhere but I was on the floor bleeding. The leader raised her hand again but just before she could slice and Sakura I got my sword and jousted upwards into her throat this time blood spurted everywhere but the leader was still going for Sakura. Sakura sliced at the leaders head and her head popped off.

Sakura ran over to me. I could just see her face cause it was all blurry.

"Watch out." I forced out and pointed behind her.

Just then a zombie hit Sakura round the head with a metal pole she fell on the floor next to me. I reached for her hand. I found it and held it. Then I saw the zombie who hit Sakura stand over me. It was blurry but then suddenly I saw an arrow fly and hit the zombie in the throat he collapsed on me and then I saw light, a really bright blinding light. And then I saw people rushing and picking me up.

I tried to say "what about Sakura." But the words didn't come out and it went all black and I felt death come over me...


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