Part 11, Section 3

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I awoke to someone splashing me with water.

"He's awake." The boy shouted in my face.

Emily came over to me.

"Told you we have the best first aid people. Thank god you're alright though." She whispered in my ear.

I didn't respond I was still really tired from being close to dead.

Emily took my arm and yanked me onto my feet. Almost falling over from being light headed, I managed to stand. She let go of me and now I can walk on my own accord. There was quite a few teenagers here about 20 teenagers armed with poles and bed legs. The lookouts on top of the roof had guns. It looks like the teenagers had built a wall around Tesco with barbed wire at the top. There was a little door to let people in and out. Some of the concrete in the car park had been dug up and crops has been put in its place. So people where harvesting some of the crops there. Emily wanted to show me something.

"I never had the chance to say thank you for saving my life." I finally declared.

"It's alright I couldn't let you die you where dying." She replied as she kept on walking to the back of Tesco. I had to follow her. She unlocked a door next to the boys toilets. Then dragged me in there by my arm. It was pitch black in the room. I heard groaning and shuffling. Emily switch on the light. To my surprise there were the deceased about 10 of them in this tight space. Ravaged by disease these looked more threatening. Their teeth was sharper that they could probably tear someone's throat out if they tried.

"They're all in here for research to see what they get like without eating anything. We've found that they get more vicious and their teeth get harper as you can see." She told me.

She switched the light of and took me out of the room before locking the door behind us.

A boy came running towards us screaming. "Help help they came and took him."

"Woah woah start from the beginning what happened?" Emily asked.

"They came over the wall. They were diseased. They attacked us without warning. Then they took one of us. One of the little ones. Brandon they took Brandon." The boy replied.

Emily started running towards the exit of Tesco, I followed.

She ran outside into the car park. There was a smear of blood on the floor liked someone had been dragged. Blood was all up the walls too.

"How the hell did they slip past you You're supposed to be looking out that's why you're called a look out." Emily shouted at the look out.

"Sorry they were too fast we couldn't stop them." The look out replied.

Emily looked annoyed so she dragged me back inside by my arm again.

"You like dragging me places with you don't you aye." I laughed winking at her.

"Maybe I do." She said smiling really wide...

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