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We walked until our legs ached. It was getting late. Me, Alyssa, Ralph, Sakura, Olivia and Conner walked on. I was standing next to Ralph and Sakura. I saw a big enough house in the distance for all of us to crash. We got to the front door and opened it, it made a loud screeching sound as it opened. All of us walked in. We looked around there was a door leading to a basement. I opened it and walked down followed by Sakura, then Alyssa, then Ralph, then Olivia, then Conner. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked around there was piles and piles of newspapers. It was like a maze. We walked left and the was blood smeared all over the walls like someone was to fat to come through here without scraping there fat body against it. We went right then left and then we saw even more newspapers and a television that didn't work and some leads and tennis rackets and sport stuff. Then we walked further in and we heard snoring. There was a fat thing on the newspapers.

"He stinks." I heard Ralph say.

"Shhhh." We don't want to wake him.

We could smell his breath it stank. It was so horrible it made Olivia stumble back and knock a lamp on the floor. Luckily it didn't wake up. I turned to the others and said "So are you guys okay."

"Shhhh what can you hear?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Exactly it's to quiet the fat thing stopped snoring." She replied.

Just then we heard the rustling of newspapers as the zombie stood up. It was bigger than I thought. He had no top on he just had boils and he had trousers that were ripped and looked like shorts, also he had no shoes and one of his eyes were half dangling out his head and he had no nose.

He saw us with his one eye and started coming towards us. When he was out his little camp Olivia charged at him and jousted her spear into his belly he didn't even feel it she tried to pull it out but it was stuck he punched Olivia out of the way and she went flying and hit the wall behind us. We ran back the way we came Olivia was unconscious so Ralph had to pick her up over his shoulder we ran up the stairs and out the top of the basement. But we heard shuffling from outside the front door so we had to go upstairs. We went into a bedroom and went to the window. It was locked. I ran to a draw and looked in to see if there was any key for the window. 

We heard shuffling from downstairs and an occasional creak of the stairs. 

"Hurry." I heard Sakura say.

Then I found some keys and fiddled around to see which ones fit the one for the window.

Olivia was conscious now and Ralph placed her on the floor gently so she could regain balance. Finally I found the right key and then window opened and we went onto the balcony. I looked around and saw the fat zombie but i'm gonna call him the collector as he collected stuff. He was slowly coming towards us. we need to jump i said to the others.

"I'm scared of heights." Conner said.

"Cmon be brave." I said to him.

Sakura was first to jump, then Ralph, then Alyssa, then Olivia, then I jumped out. we all started running but what they didn't realise is that Conner was still in the house and the 'collector' was almost on Conner. He pressed up against the balcony and the collector was on him...


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