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Part 2: The Dead Rising

I was woken by the banging on the door. I thought it was my imagination so I looked outside it was still night. Then I looked at the moon, it looked like the moon was smiling down at us, But then I heard the bang again and then I got up and went to open the door but then I heard Gabriel whisper "shh don't open the door."

"Why." I asked.

"Are you crazy or are you just being stupid or have you got amnesia and forgotten we are under attack by a deadly disease that make you eat and kill people. So I repeat don't open the door." He replied.

"Fine." I whispered back and laid back down where I was before I got up.

I closed my eyes but couldn't go back to sleep. There were too much thoughts going through my head. Like how did this disease get made? Why are there blood thirsty humans who want to eat you? just then my thoughts were interrupted by another bang. This time I got up and opened the door. There was nothing there, I jumped when Gabriel touched me on the shoulder.

"Listen." He said. "What do you here."

"Nothing." I replied

"Exactly It's too quiet." He answered, just as he said that a diseased dead man was coming up the stairs. 

He had a ripped top with claw marks all down his front, he was almost topless. His genes were let's say really ripped so you could see his pants, his eyes was half dangling of, he had no nose and only had one eye the other one must've fallen out. His body was all covered in boils that pops every time he stepped forward squirting puss everywhere. His stench was a mix between body odour and dead fish, let's just say I wouldn't want to go near him his smell will probably kill me before he did. 

He walked slowly towards us as they do. Gabriel was actually shaking, his hand still on my shoulder. I saw a metal pole on the floor next to the bed where Gabriel was sleeping. I ran to pick it up, and then ran back to Gabriel. 

Gabriel was frozen like a statue. The man well dead man was in the doorway now, I lifted me arm up high above my and bought my arm down, the metal pole cracked the diseased skull and broke the metal pole in half.

"What in the hell." I said. And looked at the half broken pole "Their head is made of bloody titanium."

The dead man stumbled backward and fell down the stairs one by one bouncing down everyone.

"And you call me psychotic." Gabriel said in surprise. "Didn't know you had it in you."

"How is that psychotic." I asked.

" You just cracked a guys bloody skull." He replied.

"I saved your arse though didn't I?" I said. "You just froze out on me so I had to do something."

"So you killed the guy?" He asked.

"It was either kill him or let him kill us. What would've you chose to be eaten alive or for him to die?" I answered.

"Good point I don't really fancy being eaten alive." He said.

"Exactly." I said frustratingly, and walked out the room and started running down the stairs just in case the dead woke up. Gabriel followed for once in his life.

We sprinted out the door and onto the deserted streets of London...


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