Part 61 - Kaiden's Break Down

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Aniyah started gasping for air because she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think, all she felt was this hole in her chest, she felt her stomach drop and her mind be filled with pain.

After a few minutes Aniyah finished packing and she grabbed her suitcase and she stood there, crying hysterically. She couldn't stop, she couldn't breathe. Aniyah grabbed her bags and walked downstairs and Raphael said "Car is here for you miss Aniyah..."

Aniyah looked to her right and saw Kaiden screaming at his father and Ashley looked at Aniyah and Aniyah blinked and she walked out the front door and handed the driver her bags and got into the backseat, curled up into a ball and continued crying hysterically.

Aniyah saw Ashley walk out the front door and she ran to Aniyah's door side and got in and Aniyah looked at her confused and Ashley said "Aniyah.. I know this hurts.. but he needs you."

Aniyah sniffled and said "I don't want to leave him... but he wants me gone.."

Ashley said "He doesn't.. He's talking through pain.. because our mother died from being kidnapped.. and he can't lose you too."

Aniyah stayed quiet and Ashley said "Please... come inside.. Your the only one who can calm him down.."

Aniyah took a deep breath and said "I don't know what to say.."

Ashley said "Just.. tell him how you feel.."

Aniyah took a deep breath and nodded her head and got out of the car, Ashley said "I'm sorry Smith, can you go upstairs into Kaiden's room, pack his bags, and bring them into the car? He will be leaving aswell."

Smith the driver nodded his head and Aniyah and Ashley quickly walked inside together and Kaiden was screaming at everyone and Aniyah walked up to Kaiden and he looked at her and said "I told you to leave!"

Aniyah said "You think I'm going to listen to you? Sorry Kaiden.. Just like the first day we met.. You don't scare me, and I don't listen to you."

Kaiden's face rested and he said "Stop.."

Aniyah said "I understand what happened to your mom.. I do.. but let me help you.. It won't happen to me.. We both know, that no one will allow that."

Kaiden closed his eyes and started crying and Aniyah grabbed his hands and whispered "I'm not going anywhere."

Kaiden pulled her into a hug and he said "I don't know what my feelings are doing to me.."

Aniyah started rubbing his back and said "I know baby... But listen.. Don't push me away, allow me here.. allow me with you.. Okay?"

Kaiden nodded his head and Aniyah closed her eyes and Kaiden gripped her back hard and started crying hysterically into her shoulder. Aniyah whispered "You're my world.. and I'm your sunshine."

Kaiden smiled bright and said "I love you" through his tears and he said "I'm sorry.. I don't want to break up, ever.. please forgive me."

Aniyah smiled and said "I know baby.."

Franklyn said "Kaiden.. son.. I'm sorry.. I didn't tell you sooner."

Kaiden looked up at him and said "I know.. just.. I need a minute. With Aniyah."

Franklyn nodded his head and everyone left the room. Aniyah pulled away and wiped his tears and said "Say goodbye to your dad.. and we'll leave.."

Kaiden nodded his head and he chased after his dad and Aniyah took a deep breath and Ashley walked up to Aniyah and pulled her into a hug and said "No one was able to calm him down.. Except our mom.. but sometimes she couldn't.. this time. You could.. He needs you."

Aniyah hugged her back and she said "I'm not leaving him."

After a few seconds they unhugged and Aniyah and Ashley looked into the next room and saw Kaiden and Franklyn hugging and Ashley said "Take care of him.. for us."

Aniyah said "Oh we'll vist.. alot.. This place is beautiful."

Ashley smiled and said "Next time you can meet my fiancé."

Aniyah said "When's the wedding?"

Ashley said "Oh not till awhile. But you'll definitely be in the wedding."

Aniyah smiled and said "Thank you."

Kaiden walked back out with Franklyn and Franklyn hugged Aniyah and said "I'll be home next week sometime.. don't worry."

Aniyah smiled and hugged him back and Kaiden hugged Ashley and then walked away to hug the rest of his family goodbye and Aniyah and Franklyn unhugged and Franklyn said "I never thought I would see my son with someone.. and I am so thankful it is you.. I am proud. To call you my daughter."

Aniyah felt happy tears run down her face and Franklyn laughed and she said "Thank you Frank."

Franklyn said "Please.. call me dad. Since I'm dying and all."

Aniyah laughed and they hugged again and Franklyn laughed with her and they unhugged and Kaiden walked back out and grabbed Aniyah's hand and interlocked their fingers and they both left and got into the car and the driver started driving them to the jet.

End of Part Sixty-One

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