Part 58 - Meeting the Family

Start from the beginning

Aniyah quickly got dressed into her dress and she pulled on her heals, and then she zipped up her suitcase and combed out her hair and Kaiden watched her and said "Aniyah. Your doing too much."

Aniyah said "I am making a good impression!"

Kaiden laughed and said "Alright sunshine."

After a few seconds a man in a suit walked out and said "Hello Sir Kaiden, may I take your bags?"

Kaiden looked at him and said "Oh yes. They are in the trunk. Thank you."

He looked at Aniyah and said "Oh. I didn't know you we're bringing a guest."

Kaiden said "This is my girlfriend. A little suprise."

The man said "Oh my apologies ma'am, oh sir Kaiden. The family will love her."

Kaiden smiled and looked at Aniyah and Aniyah smiled and said "I'm Aniyah."

The man smiled and said "I am Raphael"

Aniyah smiled and said "It is nice to meet you Raphael."

Kaiden smiled and looked at Raphael and said "Is everyone here?"

Raphael looked at Kaiden and said "Yes Sir Kaiden, Franklyn let everyone know you are here."

Kaiden nodded his head and said "Thank you Raphael"

Kaiden grabbed Aniyah's hand and interlocked their fingers and they both started walking towards the huge front door. Aniyah took a deep breath and Kaiden said "Don't be nervous. They'll love you."

Aniyah nodded her head and Kaiden chuckled and knocked the front door, another man in the same matching shirt as Raphael opened the door and said "Sir Kaiden.. Its been a long time. Welcome home."

Kaiden smiled and walked inside with Aniyah and Kaiden looked to his left and saw his family. Kaiden squeezed Aniyah's hand and she looked up at him and he had this nervous look.

Aniyah smiled and said "You got me, I got you."

Kaiden looked down at her and smiled and nodded his head, they both walked over and everyone yelled excitedly and everyone hugged Kaiden. Aniyah saw a girl staring at him, in a very, very interested way. Aniyah ignored it and looked at Kaiden and he was hugging everyone.

After a few minutes everyone unhugged and Kaiden grabbed Aniyah's hand and pulled her into him gently and said "Tout le monde, c'est Aniyah. ma petite amie" (Everyone, this is Aniyah. My girlfriend.)

Everyone's eyes widened and the girl that was staring at Kaiden rolled her eyes and said "Rencontrer quelqu'un qui ne vous comprend probablement pas. ou l'un d'entre nous. bon choix Kaiden." (Dating someone who probably doesn't understand you. or any of us. nice choice Kaiden.)

Aniyah smiled and completely ignored her and said "C'est sympa de vous rencontrer, Kaiden a bien parlé de vous." (It's nice to meet you guys, Kaiden spoke well of you.)

Kaiden's families eyes lit up and the girls face lit up with shock. A beautiful girl came up to Aniyah and said "Mon petit frère sort enfin avec quelqu'un, dieu merci." (My little brother finally is dating someone, thank god.)

Aniyah smiled and said "Ashley, right?"

Ashley smiled and said "Yes! Kaiden talk shit?"

Aniyah laughed and said "Oh tons. You know brothers." In a playful sarcastic way.

Ashley laughed and said "Oh Kaiden. I love her already." and pulled Aniyah into a hug.

Aniyah laughed and Kaiden said "Yeah. I do too."

An older lady screamed and said "YOU LOVE HER!? Oh my goodness! Oh sweetie thank you!" and pulled Aniyah into a hug.

Aniyah looked at Kaiden and he raised an eyebrow and chucked. Ashley and the older lady let go and Aniyah walked back over to Kaiden and Kaiden wrapped his arm around her tightly and said "Please introduce yourselves, so then my poor girlfriend isn't confused."

Everyone laughed and Ashley said "I'm Ashley, obviously the better sibling."

The older lady said "Louise, La tante de Kaiden" (Kaiden's aunt)

A young adult boy said "Leo, Kaiden's best cousin."

and the girl who clearly has a crush said "Haley, I work for Louise."

Aniyah raised an eyebrow and Kaiden said "Never met Haley. Nice to meet you."

Haley blushed and said "Nice to meet you too. Kaidey."

Kaiden cleared his throat and said "It's Kaiden."

Haley's face Instantly showed embarrassment, and Louise said "Kaiden et Aniyah peuvent partager votre vieille chambre, je l'ai refaite pour votre âge." (Kaiden you and Aniyah may share your old bedroom, I got it redone for your age.)

Kaiden smiled and interlocked Aniyah's and his fingers and said "Come on sunshine."

Aniyah looked at Haley right in the eyes and said "Okay.. Kaidey."

Kaiden smiled bright and kissed Aniyah on the forehead and Aniyah smirked at Haley and Haley clenched her jaw and looked away. Aniyah smiled and her and Kaiden walked away up the huge stairs and into Kaiden's old bedroom and their suitcases we're already on the bed.

Kaiden shut the door and locked it and Aniyah turned around to him and he smirked and said "Making Haley jealous huh?"

Aniyah crossed her arms and said "She clearly was eye fucking you."

Kaiden raised an eyebrow and Aniyah said "and you clearly didn't do anything about it."

Kaiden laughed and said "Sunshine. I could careless about her. I love you, and she means nothing."

Aniyah stared into his eyes and Kaiden said "I love you."

Aniyah tilted her head to the side and Kaiden stared at her and said "Are you giving me the silent treatment?"

Aniyah smiled and said "No. i love you too. Just wanted to see how long I could stay mad."

Kaiden said "you are such a weirdo."

Aniyah laughed and her and Kaiden unpacked their suitcases and Aniyah said "You know what this meeting is about?" Kaiden shook his head no and said "Something important though." Aniyah nodded her head and after a few minutes they both finished putting everything away and sat down on the bed and started watching movies together.

End of Part Fifty-Eight

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