Part 43

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Mark didn't answer him. He just gave him a sweet smile, lifting Jack's chin enough to kiss him. Jack savored the softness of Mark's lips. The tender way Mark teased his lips made his heart overflow with passion. Mark loved him so much that he could feel it in the way he kissed him. The taste of him was even so good that he never planned to stop.  He was curious what Mark had been eating or drinking before this moment.  He couldn't place it, but it was sweet.  Mark put an end to it though, pulling away just enough to ask him in a deep husky voice. "I have one... but you're not going to like it." Jack raised an eyebrow, when he noticed that there was a bag resting against Mark's leg. Jack leaned in to try and sneak a peek, when Mark cut him off with another kiss to keep his attention. This time Jack broke the kiss as the speakers around the field rustled and Kate announced excitedly. "If I could have all you single Masters here tonight come up to the stage. We are about to officially kick off this years Pet Park!" Jack turned slightly to glance at the large stage. Kate looked soaking wet, but her smile couldn't have been any brighter. 

All around them Masters from young to old moved in to stand, or sit before the stage in the grass. A lot of them he had never seen at the academy and wondered if they just showed up every year to enjoy the festival. Kate tapped the mic impatiently, then announced lively. "As usual, we like to start off the Pet Park by introducing you to our single Subs. They come in all shapes, sizes, and breeds. So, as the Headmistress... I must warn the first two rows... You will get wet." The crowd laughed and Kate winked, before shouting out to the D.J.. "Let it rain, Tommy!" Kate jogged to the side of the stage as the stage lit up with strobe lights and the fog machines kicked on. Mark took Jack's arm, moving them closer to the stage. Standing with some of the Masters and their pets as they watched the single male Subs ran out onto the stage. They all stood facing the wall, showing off the sway of their tails to the start of the beat to the song 'Raining Men' by the Weather girls.

Jack slipped closer to Mark, half hiding behind him in embarrassment as some of the Masters let out whistles of approval. There really were Sub men of all kinds. Some had tails. Some didn't. Some were practically naked, while others were clothed in clothes that really made them stand out. He felt like he was at a strip club on Ladies night. They all turned and strutted their stuff to the edge of the stage.  Where they stood for a moment to show off the numbers that where wrapped around their thighs or arms. Mark had to explain to him that the numbers helped the Masters present remember the ones they liked and wanted to meet after. Since names were easily mixed up or forgotten. This allowed Masters to see the Subs personality freely, before deciding to meet them after. It sounded a lot like speed dating. Only more fun. According to Mark, the Masters would briefly talk to the Subs they liked after the show to see if they'd hit it off. If not, then there was always next year.

Each of the Subs then broke off as the music picked up, choosing to dance in the back. The first Sub stepped forward to dance briefly, until the heavy drum beat dropped. That is when the fox spread his legs in a sexy pose and the cannons attached to the front of the stage burst out a shower of water and glitter. Jack hid his deeper blush as the Masters cheered loudly and the next Sub spun into center stage to dance. The horse swayed his hips, showing off how well he could use them before thrusting them seductively as the beat dropped again and another water cannon went off. The Masters got a kick out of watching how sassy and bold some of the Subs were. Those that were more shy just jumped giddily as the cannon went off or flashed cute peace signs before moving away. Jack even thought it was funny to see that the Pets with Masters were still dancing to the music on the sidelines for the fun of it. He found it surprising that Ben wasn't up there with the single Subs. Wasn't he still on the market for a Master? He scanned the crowd and smirked when he spotted him.

Ben was watching the Subs from the sidelines eating nachos with Trevor. Trevor must have had some on his lip, because Ben quickly scooted in to lick Trevor's lip with a stunning smile. Jack forced himself to turn away. Mark nudged his shoulder then to tell him over the loud music. "The next ones up will be the single female Subs. Then they will start the contest for the most talented pet in each grouping. That is where you and Ben will compete for the most talented dog." Jack felt slightly sick and backed away from the cheering crowd to find a quieter spot. He found a bench by an ice cream truck and collapsed. He didn't know what he'd do up there. The other Subs were so confident and carefree. What could he do up there to compete with that? Mark suddenly sat down across from him a few minutes later, pushing a bowl of ice cream to him. Jack's eyes lit up at the gesture. Mark knew he couldn't say no to sweets.

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