Part 25

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Jack backed up away from the open bathroom door to stay slightly hidden as Mark bitterly snapped back. "I won't let you take him"! Declan smirked, folding the paper back up and gesturing to the Masters around him, before stating calmly. "That is why they are here, Mark". Declan rose to his feet as Mark looked over the four other Masters, then told Declan seriously. "You're a businessman, Declan. I get it. You spent a fortune on Jack and when you didn't get him... You felt like you lost an important investment. I get it. So, whatever you paid for him... I'll match if not double". Declan's smirk vanished, taking on a more professional look as he asked curiously. "Even if I accepted that offer. Where would you get that kind of money, Mark? You're a wealthy Youtuber, but even you don't make enough to cover what I paid for him". 

Mark lowered his eyes to the carpet, mumbling out reluctantly. "Give me three days. I'll... I'll put on a charity live stream. I promise you that I can get your money back". Declan glanced at one of the Masters, casually stating out to Mark. "I would be inclined to accept... but in the meantime...". Declan waved his hand in a circle and the Masters started to fan out across the room. They were searching for him. Mark staggered up onto his feet, asking in a bit of a rush. "Wait. If you allow him to go with me. I know I can reach the goal. With both our fans watching we can-". Declan raised a hand to stop him, saying firmly back. "And just think how much they will pay to get him back... When he's NOT with you. Don't make this harder on yourself. This is only slightly personal".

Mark snuck a glance toward the bathroom as a Master started to venture closer to it, but pleaded with Declan. "Please... You've gotten the academy back. Other than the money, why do you want him? He won't make you happy". Declan scoffed lightly, smirking to Mark as he shot back. "You're worried about him. So, make this easier on both of you. You call him out here and tell him to behave. You do that... and I'll give you my word that I won't hurt him. But only as long as he behaves. Agreed"? Mark shifted uncomfortably, asking nervously. "How do I know you'll keep your word"? Declan raised his hand to remove his gold ring, then held it out for Mark to take, stating seriously. "My father gave this to me. It means more to me than your Irish Hound. You get my money and bring this back... I'll dismiss any bad blood between us. Fail to do either and... Ты больше его не увидишь".

Jack raised an eyebrow curiously. He didn't know until just now that Declan was Russian. Mark didn't appear to understand what Declan had said to him. Even still, Mark hesitantly began to reach for the ring. Jack wasn't sure he wanted this to happen. He didn't want to go with Declan. Bursting from the bathroom, Jack tried to make a mad dash for the door. They couldn't bargain if he took himself out of the equation. He had waited too long though. Upon bursting from the bathroom, one of the Masters managed to wrap an arm around his waist. He was about to break from his grip, when another Master rushed in to help restrain him. They took ahold of his arms at the elbow, kicking the backs of his knees until he went down. The second he fell to his knees, they raised his wrists high behind him, pushing his shoulders forward. The position didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable and surprisingly worked well to keep him still.

Mark jerked he hand back, starting to head for Jack, when the other two Masters moved in to grab Mark's arms firmly. Declan strolled slowly out to stand between them, seriously telling Mark aloud. "My offer still stands, Mark. If I were you, I'd take it. You won't be getting a better offer". Jack looked up into Mark's eyes, feeling twisted inside. He didn't trust Declan... but Mark had saved him last time. If Mark could get away... Maybe there was a chance he could find a way to save him again. Mark's eyes drifted from Jack to the ring in Declan's hand, asking very softly. "Alright, Declan. You win". Declan shrugged, stating bluntly. "I usually do". The Masters released Mark's arms and he reached out to take the ring, mumbling out. "Three days and You'll have your money. Just let me say goodbye".

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