Part 13

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Jack put everything from his mind to finish scrubbing the cracks around the floor tiles. This really wasn't much of a punishment from Jack's point of view. The bathroom was practically spotless already. Just a few minor things really needed to be touched up. Although, both Trevor and himself found ways to look like they were cleaning up a lot more than they were. Every so often one of the security stallions would glance in to see if they were doing something. Trevor didn't speak or even look at him for the rest of the time. It made him more nervous than usual, but he assumed it had to do with looking innocent before security. A way to build a false reputation as a 'good' dog. Jack stopped a moment to rub his aching hand, when a Master stepped inside. 

Jack glanced up for a brief second, then remembered to lower his eyes. He didn't recognize this man. The Master wasn't alone either. He had a pet with him. A young woman in a tight white outfit with long hanging white bunny ears was with him. The Master clapped his hands causing Jack to flinch from the loud echo that reverberated off the tile walls. Jack stayed in his waiting position. What was he suppose to do? What did that mean? Trevor stepped out from a stall to bow his head. The Master asked in a very uppity tone. "Is there a stall open for use"? Jack shrugged. He didn't know if the Master was looking at him, but he didn't know. Trevor had been cleaning them... supposedly. Jack's eyes drifted to the bunny woman. She practically hopped from foot to foot as she waited behind her Master patiently.

Around her neck was a glittering diamond looking collar with a long thin white leash. Trevor gestured silently to a stall and the Master pointed to it himself. The woman dashed quickly into the stall, but didn't close the door. Jack cleared his throat and decided to dump the dirty bucket water into the sink. Trevor hadn't moved though and that made the Master step closer to the stall. Jack held his breath as he watched the Master point a stern finger at Trevor's chest. The finger stopped inches from his chest and it was only then that Trevor stepped a single step back. Jack wondered if the Master had done that to protect his bunny's privacy... or if he knew Trevor. Either way, the gesture was a silent threat.

The bunny finished up pretty fast, hopping from the stall with a bright smile. The Master leaned in to kiss her forehead and gestured to the sink. Jack swallowed nervously. She was coming closer to him now. Jack bowed his head and took a step back away from the closet sink to her. She looked at him with large bright blue eyes and his heart skipped. She was really pretty. Her eyes were like crystals. She leaned over the sink to wash her hands and slash her face in the most adorable way. She looked so happy to be a pet. Her collar rattled when she shook her head to toss her long ears over her shoulders to keep them from getting too wet.  That's when he saw the dark figure beside him. The Master was standing right next to him. Looming over him like a titan. Jack took another step back away from her. Then for good measure turned away from her. The Master was VERY protective of her.

Jack sneaked a glance into the large mirror to see her finish washing up. She turned with a smile as her Master told her in a loving tone. "Better"? She nodded and her Master started to walk out with a smile. She happily skipped after him and Jack let himself breath normally. Jack then jumped in surprise, when he saw Trevor was leaning lazily against a stall wall looking out after the bunny with glowering eyes. He didn't like seeing Trevor pop up in new places. The look on his face was very unsettling too. He looked... tempted. Trevor's eyes darted in his direction and Jack scowled at him in disgust. Trevor didn't seem to care as he bluntly admitted to him. "Pampered little thing, isn't she? So innocent. I bet her Master is a limp-dick fucker". Jack turned away, growling back. "You're a sick fucker".

Jack's grip on the toothbrush tightened, when he saw Trevor push off the stall wall to approach him. Trevor stopped a step or two away, telling him in a prideful sneer. "You think so? You don't know ANYTHING about me". Jack turned to look at him, replying through clenched teeth. "I know everything I need to. You're a dickless glory hound who gets off on the pain of others". Trevor straightened up, taking a few steps back as he answered calmly. "Is that so"? Jack watched Trevor head for the exit. He was going to leave? That didn't feel right. Trevor stopped at the bathroom door. The two security stallions turned to look at him curiously, when Trevor reached up to pull something from the open door's mechanism. The stallions started to turn as the door slammed shut on its own.

Jack gasped as the horror started to seep into his blood. Trevor jumped up to the door and jammed whatever he had pulled out into the doors handle. The stallions hit the door hard enough to rattle it, but the door had held in place. Trevor then slowly turned to look at Jack with a cold expression. Had he done this before? Jack held the toothbrush at the ready to stab him with. Trevor's cold eyes were locked on him as he moved toward him casually, stating out calmly. "I like to think of myself as a junkyard dog. I'm top dog and when challenged, I defend my title". Trevor stopped just an arms length away from him to tell him in a deep heated growling voice. "This is MY turf, pup. Now watch your mouth. Or I'll muzzle it shut permanently. There is no place in this academy that you can go that I can't get you. And this time...". Trevor leaned in closer, placing his hand firmly against the mirror over Jack's shoulder. While Jack discreetly positioned the toothbrush in a prime spot to stab him in the ribs with it.

Trevor's breath slid over Jack's neck like a vile snake, when he finished closer to his ear. "Mark will finally know how it feels to watch his lover pay for another's mistakes". Jack turned his head, asking confused. "What"? Trevor took a step back, looking like he might say more. However, the door burst open and the stallions stumbled inside. Trevor quickly raised his hands in surrender and backed away to the far wall. One of the stallions grabbed Trevor's shoulder, spinning him around to push his chest up against the wall. The other stallion approached him quickly, putting a hooved hand to his shoulder and asking a bit muffled by his thick mask. "You alright"? Jack nodded, but he couldn't take his eyes off Trevor. What had he meant by that? What did Mark ever do to Trevor?

Jack was still thinking over the question, while being escorted back to the classroom. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched the other stallion escort Trevor somewhere else. Would he be punished again for tampering with the door? His stallion continued to lead him down the hall and out of Trevor's sight. So, Jack took the moment to ask him curiously. "You've worked here a long time, right"? The stallion nodded his large horse head. Jack walked up alongside him to ask a little softer. "Do you know anything about that guy. Trevor, I mean". The stallion snorted distastefully, before answering in a bellowing voice. "Only stories and rumors". Jack shrugged, encouraging him to go on. "Like what"? The stallion slowed down his pace to say in a pitying tone. "I've heard some disturbing and scary stuff about him. The guy is a magnet for bad shit".

Jack rolled his eyes, muttering back. "You don't have to tell me. I seen his abusive rapist nature first hand". The stallion shrugged, commenting back causally. "I wasn't talking about that. From what I hear, Trevor has had the worst luck in Masters. Did you know he belonged to Orson at one point? My own Master told me that Orson had Trevor raped to punish his other dog, Roger, into obedience. Can you believe that? I wasn't even sad to hear when the bastard got himself shot. Now Trevor is with Declan... Sure, he seems innocent enough. But I've heard he isn't called the Master of Domination for nothing". Jack felt goosebumps crawl down his arms, when he asked hesitantly.  "What have you heard about him"? The stallion stopped short, before whispering close to his ear. "Look, stay away from Declan. My Master says that he's the reason Orson's mother got sick and retired. He LET Orson have the academy... There is no proof that he wants the academy, or that he has done anything. But you mark my words... He wouldn't be here if he didn't want something".

Jack sighed softly, starting to walk on ahead. When the stallion caught back up to him to add in seriously. "You didn't hear that from me though, get me? I don't need him gunning for my ass". Jack nodded in understanding. To Be Continued...     

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