Part 15

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Trevor rolled his eyes, turning his head away from him. Jack forced himself not to move away. From the front of the room, Kate called out to him reassuringly. "Don't worry about him, Jack. I will pair him up with someone". Jack watched all the subs whip their heads around to stare at Kate with horrified faces. Shaking his head, Jack reached out hesitantly to Trevor. He was hoping Trevor would take his hand. Trevor wasn't looking at him though. So, he very lightly touched Trevor's knee, hoping to get his attention... and he got it. Trevor jerked back against the wall, grabbing Jack's wrist in a vice grip and started twisting his arm. Jack winced, gritting his teeth. Trevor's tight grip was pulling at his skin as he slowly twisted his arm away, causing his skin to feel like it was burning. Trevor stopped twisting his arm before any real harm was done, growling into his face. "Don't touch me". 

Jack didn't get a chance to answer, because Trevor looked over his shoulder and released his wrist quickly. Jack glanced over his shoulder to see that Mark had moved up behind him with clenched fists.  Slowly climbing to his feet, Jack told Mark comfortingly. "I'm alright". Mark wrapped an arm around Jack leading him back to his spot up front, while whispering into his ear softly. "Jack, you need to be careful. You know what he's like". Jack patted Mark's side, answering confidently. "Exactly. I'm probably the only sub here who isn't afraid of him". Mark glared at him for a moment, but ruffled his hair with a slight smirk. Kate clapped her hands together loudly to draw attention to herself, before piping out. "Getting back to the lesson! To answer this question, I want you to discuss this among yourselves and demonstration to me how you think you can do it".

When Kate waved them to talk, all the subs huddled closer to their partners to chat it over. Jack thought it over with himself, but he really didn't have a clue. He had never really learned how to ask Mark for anything yet. Kate hopped up onto her desk to sit, throwing out over the loud chatting. "The group that answers correctly will be given first pick of their play gear". The chatting turned really excited. Kate leaned closer toward Mark, asking with a smirk. "Does your pup know the answer? Will he get to a chance to pick his own play gear? Or will you do it for him"? Mark shook his head as an answer. Kate smacked his arm lightly, muttering out in shock. "Poor, Jack! Didn't you tell him how to stop you"? Mark turned away, crossing his arms as he tried to hide his smirk.

Kate chuckled, adding out. "Oh, that's not fair, Mark! No wonder he's so curious about this place". Jack smiled to himself. She made it sound like Mark was selfishly taking advantage of him. Mark wasn't that bad. They had just been taking things slow. Kate turned her attention back to the class, clapping her hands loudly. Immediately, all the subs fell silent. Jack wondered if she had told the class what that had meant when he was cleaning the bathroom. It was the same gesture the master with the bunny had used. Trevor had at least known what it meant then. Kate twisted her crop whip between her fingers, asking them all loudly. "So? Who wants to share first"? All the subs glanced around nervously, before hands started to raise into the air.

Kate lifted her crop to point, when a few small gasps came from the back of the room. Jack shifted to look back, finding Trevor was on the move. Very slowly, Trevor semi-limped his way over to Jack. It wasn't until now that Jack realized he had touched Trevor's hurt leg. Trevor walked up beside him, taking his time to kneel down next to him. Jack wanted to say something, but Trevor didn't look at him as he snapped back. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for me". Jack simply nodded. It was a small thing, that didn't really mean anything. However, he felt like he had done something nice. Kate sighed, when she saw Trevor's hand go up. Jack could tell that she didn't want to pick him... but Jack was on his 'team'.

Her pride got the better of her though and she picked a different team. Trevor snorted, turning his head to watch the two subs stand up. One of them took a waiting position and tried to beg the pretend 'master'. Trevor snickered under his breath, muttering out to Jack. "As if". Kate shook her head and picked another group. This one did the same kind of thing, but the sub raised her hand for the pretend 'master' to take. Jack smirked to himself. He had done that with Mark to ask a question. He should have known this! Kate nodded to them and stated out. "There is one other way too. Does anyone have any ideas"? Everyone's hands dropped... except Trevor. Kate reluctantly tapped Trevor's hand with the end of her crop, saying reluctantly. "Alright. Show me".

Trevor tilted his head to stare at Jack with a hard expression. Jack wasn't sure what he wanted, until he growled out softly. "Get up". Jack carefully stood up, hoping Trevor wasn't going to do anything to him. Trevor kept his eyes to the floor, but put his hand on the cushion in plan sight for Jack to see. Jack wasn't sure he understood, until Kate told everyone. "Good job, Trevor. By placing your hand on the bed in sight of your master, shows that you wish to rest. Your master will then tell you if it is ok". Jack looked up at Kate as she cautiously told him. "You and Trevor can go with them to pick out your play gear first. While the rest of us practice this until you come back". Kate tore off a ticket from something on her desk and handed it to Jack, adding in seriously. "Stay together and come right back".

Jack took the ticket from her, then glanced at Mark to see if he was ok with this. Mark stepped closer to wrap an arm around him, pulling him close. In his ear, he told him gently. "I'll let you pick what you want. Surprise me. Just... be careful". Jack snuggled into Mark's neck, whispering back sweetly. "Yes, Daddy". Jack briefly and discreetly kissed Mark's throat. Mark lowered his arm with a deep sigh, allowing Jack to follow Trevor and the other two subs out into the hallway. The second they were out, one of the female subs turned to her friend, saying playfully. "Whoops... Should we go back in and ask her where the stuff is"? They chuckled together, but Jack kept his eyes on Trevor. Trevor groaned darkly at them, walking down the hall by himself. Jack started to follow him at a bit of a distance.

The two subs behind them, bellowed out a bit sharply at them. "Hey! We are suppose to go together! Do you even know where you are going"?! Trevor stopped short, turning to face them as he growled out menacingly. "SHUT UP"! One of the subs opened their mouth and Trevor charged toward her. Jack made a split decision to move in between them, keeping his eyes on the floor. He didn't want Trevor to think he wanted to challenge him, but this wasn't the place to fight. Trevor lowered his head inches from Jack's ear, growling into it in a low threatening voice. "You think I won't go through you"? Jack raised his head and pointed across the hall, saying softly. "We aren't alone, Trevor. Is it worth it"? Trevor pried his eyes away from him to look. Donny wasn't that far away and was watching them like a humanoid horse of death.

Jack almost wondered if Kate had told Donny to watch for them. Trevor glared at Donny distastefully, before continuing on down the hall. Jack started to follow him again, staring at the red lines that were spread over Trevor's back. They were light in color and hadn't broken the skin... but they still seemed to leave burns marks. He was curious what he had been hit with, but didn't want to ask. Trevor stopped to open up a door and Jack caught a glimpse at another red line across Trevor's thigh. He hadn't noticed it before, but was positive that was why he was limping. Jack held the door open after Trevor entered to let the other subs in first. As Jack let the door close, he swallowed nervously. In the center of the room was a Master sitting upon a gothic looking throne. Beside him on the floor was a man dressed in cat play gear.

The Master held out his hand, asking firmly. "Where's your pass for this subs"? Trevor reached back to grab Jack's wrist, yanking him forward roughly. Jack cautiously moved toward the Master enough to put the paper ticket in his gloved hand. The Master looked it over carefully, then gestured around him saying. "Pick your poison. You have any questions, you let me know. Once you pick something it is FINAL. So, chose wisely". To Be Continued...         

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