Part 10

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Mark nodded to Jack, then opened the van door.  He stepped out, turning to pull out the green leash from his pocket.  Jack stayed on the cushion, until Mark pointed to the edge of the van.  Jack crawled over on all fours for Mark to clip the leash to his collar.  When it was set, Mark ran a hand through his green bangs.  The gesture was quick, but Jack understood well enough.  He was doing good so far.  Kate locked up her van the second Jack stepped out, telling them both seriously.  "You'll follow me to the auditorium. That is where all the new pups will be and I can refresh your memory on everything as we go".  Kate started walking and Mark followed right along side her.  Jack did his best to stay a few steps behind Mark as he took in the academy.  The place was huge.  It looked like a cross between an old church and a large fancy college. 

Up the stone steps, stood two large men that were dressed from head to toe in horse gear.  As Kate approached they both started to walk forward.  Jack thought that they were going to ask them who they were.  However, his eyes widened in surprise.  They were wearing a black harnesses that were attached to the large wooden doors.  As they moved forward, the heavy doors opened.  As they started to walk by, Jack eyed one of the horsemen.  The man watched him with soft eyes, pawing his large hooved foot against the ground.  The second horsemen stomped his hooved foot and let out very convincing horse snicker.  Kate glanced back at Jack to say with a smile.  "Those belong to our heads of security. They're good stallions. They work the doors while their masters patrol things here. You ever get into trouble, you seek one of them out. They wear a security badge on their bridles". 

Jack noticed the small golden badge on their bridle as one raised his head up high.  They looked flattered by Kate's words.  They walked in as the horsemen started to push the doors closed with their hooved hands.  The inside was very bright with a lot of colorful stain glass windows.  Kate chatted with Mark about particular rooms, but Jack was distracted by the people.  All the masters here seemed to be wearing nice suits or just clothes in general.  While their pets were semi-dressed.  Everyone right now seemed to be on a coffee break.  Masters were feeding their pets and chatting softly to each other.  A master looked up from feeding his pet, his eyes narrowing on Jack in suspicion.  It dawned Jack that wasn't suppose to be looking around.  Let alone, looking at masters.  Quickly turning his head down, Jack moved closer behind Mark. 

Kate lead them down a hall telling them both, casually.  "Right now all the new pups are being cleaned in the showers. Afterward, they will be taken to the auditorium. There they will be given the basics of how their lives at the academy will be".  She lead them out into a large circular auditorium that was set up like a crescent moon with high stone bleachers.  Kate stood on the open floor facing the empty high bleachers, telling Mark seriously.  "You can stand a bit to my right, but Jack must be kneeling. We need to show the difference to new pups".  Mark stood in position and Jack didn't argue.  He just silently dropped into his waiting position.  A master jogged in to give Kate an ear mic, before taking his spot on her left just like Mark.  Within a few seconds, a door opened and another Master stepped out followed by a line of naked people. 

A few of them snickered to each other or tried to cover themselves as the master pointed to the rows of stone bleachers.  Slowly they all filed out to take their seats.  Jack watched them only out of the corner of his eye.  Both men and woman from ages eighteen and up.  He felt more nervous now, than he had in the van.  He was dressed... but he still felt so exposed.  When all the pups were seated, the master that lead them in moved away to stand by a door.  Kate then addressed the crowd, her voice booming through ever speaker.  "Welcome to the academy. Here we only have one rule. Obey. Those that can't will be punished. Those that are afraid, should leave now. You're here because YOU want this lifestyle. If you can't handle it. That is not our problem. Just walk out and don't come back. So? Who's out"? 

Jack risked a look up to see them all glance around, but no one got up.  By the door, the master told Kate loudly.  "Four have already dropped out. They couldn't handle the... shower treatment".  Jack felt a chill creep down his back.  What did they do to them in the showers?  Kate nodded, then continued on.  "Alright. From here on out. You are all Subs or Submissive. That is you name, because that is all we need to know. Your names and families mean nothing to us. However, YOU will address a Master with the upmost respect. After every sentence you will answer with either a Sir or Master. If your teacher happens to be a woman, than Ma'am or Mistress. Got it"?  The crowd answered with a mix of 'Yes, Ma'am' and 'Yes, Mistress'.  Kate gestured to the pets that were coming out of a door with large baskets, announcing aloud.  "Here all Subs are required to wear a training collar. Made of thin steel. Once it is on, it STAYS ON. Until the end of your training, when a Master presents you with a collar of his own choosing". 

The Master by the door began to walk with the pets holding the baskets.  Moving from person to person as he clipped on the steel collars to every Sub.  Jack instinctively reached up to touch his own thicker collar.  Feeling the green silk and strong black leather with little SepticSam's.  He felt so privileged to have his collar now.  Mark must have caught him touching it, because he inched closer to place a hand on his head.  Mark's fingers ruffled soothingly through his hair and Jack leaded his head against Mark's leg.  He didn't see himself as a good pet... but compared to these people... he was at least loved.  Kate told the Subs about trivial things that he already had learned.  So, he let his mind drift a bit.  Just enjoying the warm touch of Mark's comforting hand.  After Kate had finished going over all the rules, she told them all simply.  "When you are escorted to your rooms, you will find a binder with all the rules to help you remember. As well as your first class. Show up... Or be punished. Your choice. See you all in two hours". 

The people started to file out as Masters took rows of Subs in different groups.  Jack was just starting to wonder if he was going to be put in a room too, when his mind went blank at the sight of a man walking down the steps.  Trevor.  He was walking down with a group, his eyes locked on him and a smirk on his face.  Kate moved closer to him and Mark, telling them in a soft undertone.  "Since you are a Master. You get one of the Master rooms with Jack. Knowing Trevor is here... I won't risk putting him in one of the dorm rooms".  Jack felt only slightly relieved as he watched Trevor leave out the door.  He just didn't want to be anywhere near him.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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