Part 22

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Jack shyly peered at Mark from the corner of his eyes, asking timidly. "How do I do that? You've got me tied up". Mark's fingers trailed up his chest and up along his neck, his finger tips tracing along Jack's jawbone as he whispered close to his ear. "Weren't you paying attention in class? You're clever, Jack. I'm sure you can think of something". Jack could barely think with Mark so close, but he vaguely recalled bits and pieces. Using your eyes and attitude? Would that even work on Mark? Mark leaned in to lightly brush his lips up Jack's throat, sending chills through Jack's body. Mark felt so warm and when his teeth grazed over his skin, a soft moan left Jack's lips. Since no one was here but them, Jack didn't see the harm in drowning in Mark's affection. Raising his legs, Jack wrapped them tightly around Mark's waist. 

A soft throaty growl left Mark, making Jack's body shiver with tickling pleasure. Mark didn't tell him to stop. So, Jack pressed his body right up against Mark's, kissing his neck. Mark's hands moved to his legs where they slid to his ass. Once they did, he squeezed them as he held him even closer, easing some of the tension from Jack's arms. Mark tenderly trailed his lips across Jack's jaw, tempting Jack to take the bait. Jack mimicked Mark and when their lips touched, Jack was the one to claim his lips first. Jack had never tried teasing Mark on purpose... but he was here to try. Every time Mark tried to take control of the kiss, Jack would pull back just enough that Mark could barely brush his lips over his. Then when Mark would stop advancing, Jack would move in to give Mark a longing kiss. Teasing him to keep trying.

After Jack playfully nipped Mark's lower lip, Mark grumbled out in a very deep lusty voice. "You're very good at playing innocent, Jack... But teasing will only get you so far". Jack smirked over Mark's slightly parted lips, whispering back breathlessly. "I'm in no rush. I can wait you out". A grin broke across Mark's face as he asked wickedly. "Is that what you think? Cause from where I'm standing you look like bait". Jack leaned back, asking curiously. "Bait"? Mark nodded, before lowering his lips to one of Jack's nipples as he purred out. "Ya. Bait. Tempting... and oooh so tasty". Jack shifted suddenly nervous, gripping the bar a bit tighter. Jack tried to lower his legs, but Mark's grip on his ass was unrelenting. Forcing him to remain up against Mark and at his mercy.

Mark blew a soft breeze of cold air across his nipple and Jack whimpered without meaning to. Mark was teasing his nipple into a hardened state and he didn't have to ask why. Tilting his head back, Jack forced himself to swallow and just accept it. He was learning quick that teasing Mark came with a few... reactions on his part. Jack wanted to protect his nipple from Mark, when Mark's warm soft lips enclosed around his tender perky nipple. Jack's breath hitched and his grip loosened on the bar. It felt strangely good and his body instinctively relaxed on its own. The tip of Mark's tongue teased his nipple, causing Jack to bite his lower lip hard to stay quiet. He didn't want to moan... Not yet anyway. Moaning was the fastest way to tease Mark. He wanted Mark to work for it.

Mark had other plans though. Jack barely felt his hands move... until he felt something very slowly expanding in his ass. Opening him up like a blooming flower. Jack's teeth sliced his lip in an effort to suppress his moan, but it was no use. Between Mark's tender suckling and the strange sensation of being... filled... He just couldn't contain it. Jack arched his back, letting out a moan of agonized pleasure. His fingers slipping from the bar and his legs raised higher up alongside Mark to brace his feet against the pegs desperately. Mark hadn't been lying to him. The damn plug found three pleasure points in his ass and practically dared his cock to cum with everything it had. If the cock ring hadn't been on, he swore he would have accepted the dare. As it was, the cock ring felt tight and heavy.

Mark shifted to his other nipple, asking smugly. "Now it's open, Jack. What do you think"? Jack chuckled breathlessly, answering just as smugly. "Fucking hell... I can barely feel my toes, Daddy". Mark sucked on Jack's nipple for a brief second, before telling him playfully. "You should feel it when it vibrates. That will really make you ache for release". Jack shifted his feet more comfortably on the pegs, asking almost pitifully. "It vibrates too"? Mark stroked Jack's thigh comfortingly, telling him reassuringly. "Yes, but I'm not using that feature today. Today you're showing me what you've learned, remember"? Jack let out a sarcastic chuckle, stating out bluntly. "I can't do that now... I don't even want to move". Jack panted softly, when he realized what he forgot and rushed out. "Shite! Daddy"! Jack stared at Mark with soft pleading eyes, but Mark simply smirked back with wicked intent in his eyes.

Mark's hand slowly reached for his arm and Jack tried to push himself back as far as he could go. When he couldn't go any farther, he cringed, watching Mark's fingers continue toward his armpit. Mark's fingers barely tickled him, but it was torture to Jack. Jack jerked against the restraints trying to put his arms down, while his feet slipped off the pegs and rose up instinctively to push Mark back. Mark chuckled to himself, stepping away to allow Jack to calm back down. Jack panted softly, hanging his head and letting out soft moans. The sensation in his ass grew stronger when his legs were down. He could see his cock leaking precum and cursed to himself. Forcing himself to put his legs back up onto the pegs, he turned glazed and lusty eyes on Mark, droning out playfully. "Enjoying the view, Daddy"?

Mark moved in closer again, running his warm hand from one of Jack's raised ankles toward his hip, answering in a deep buttery voice. "Very much. Are you"? Jack turned away with a blush burning his cheeks, mumbling out stubbornly. "Of course not. There isn't much for me to look at that I haven't already seen of myself... Daddy". Mark took ahold of Jack's jaw, turning his head to look him in the eyes, before he told him in a soothing deep tone of voice. "Don't take your eyes off me and I'll give you something to look at". Jack locked curious eyes with Mark's mysterious dark brown eyes. Mark let his hand fall from Jack's jaw, backing away from him slowly. Jack didn't think he could look away if he wanted to. Mark crossed his arms in front of himself, his fingers grabbing at the hem of his white shirt.

Jack's eyes lowered from Mark's eyes to his hands, watching Mark carefully pull up the hem a bit to reveal the top of his jeans. Jack flicked his tongue over his dry lips, feeling mesmerized as Mark lifted his shirt another inch or two to reveal how his jeans hung off the curves of his hips. Mark turned his head to the side, averting his eyes with an innocent smile as he very slowly started to pull his shirt up higher. Jack had to swallow to keep from drooling as the shirt uncovered Mark's muscular abs and broad chest. Jack's heart thundered in his chest. He must have seen Mark shirtless a hundred times... but it didn't seem to matter. His body's lustful instincts wanted him as badly as it had the first time. He didn't know how Mark could be so confident about his body, but it definitely had a strong effect on Jack's. He wanted to gladly play the role of bait, just to bring Mark closer to him.

Mark pulled his shirt up over his head and Jack had to remember how to breathe. When Mark tossed his shirt to the ground, he finally turned his eyes back on Jack through his long dark bangs, asking with a wicked grin. "The view better now, pup"? Jack's legs slipped off the pegs, spooking himself, but he nodded in response. He hadn't even known that his feet were sliding off the pegs. The sudden spooking did break him from Mark's trance though. So, he lowered his eyes to the ground and tried to get his barring's back. His mind was a swirl of sinful thoughts and his body was burning with aching emotions. When Mark's body walked casually into his line of sight. Jack's eyes became locked on Mark's belt buckle and the smooth tanned skin covered by those pants.

He wanted so badly to kiss a trail down Mark's scars to the elastic of his underwear that he could now just see peeking above his jeans. Jack bit his lip, forcing himself to look up into Mark's awaiting eyes. Mark pressed his forehead to his, whispering out so teasingly sweet. "Now if you want the rest of this to come off, Jack. You're going to have to seduce me with all you've got". Mark turned his head slightly to put his lips inches from Jack's, whispering in a deep lustful purr. "I set the mood up for you. Now it's all on you. Can you bait me in"? To Be Continued...   

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