"And which unlucky fellow ended up as the princess this time?" Yoongi snorts, all too amused by the younger member's game. His question, surprisingly enough, is answered with only a short delay.

      "I didn't ask for this!" Jimin's annoyed call echoes through the apartment, leaving a snarky smirk on Yoongi's face.

     "Jiminie, huh?" Yoongi chuckles, trying and failing to muffle the sound of his laughter with his free hand, "Isn't he usually playing with you guys? I seem to recall him being the hero on more than one occasion. Isn't Jin usually the princess, or something?"

      "Well, Jin is out grocery shopping, so the terrible awful Samurai master had to find a new princess to capture!" Taehyung is all business, even as Yoongi is cracking up in front of him. The dutiful hero continues to scan his surrounding with fervor, ready to strike at any moment, "Jimin was sitting at the dining room table staring at you guys on the couch... I don't know why, don't ask me. It was kinda weird, to be honest. He was even blushing! But he didn't look busy sooo... The awful dreadful Samurai captured the helpless maiden, and I was too late to stop him!"

      "Of course you were." Yoongi mumbles under his breath, pretending not to have heard the comments about Jimin staring and blushing. Taehyung rolls around the corner of the couch and springs up into a crouch, his hands held in front of him defensively. When nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, the dashing hero leaps back behind the couch, nearly tripping on a stray cord along the way.

      "I was caught off guard, and now I must make up for my mistakes by rescuing her majesty from the claws of that villain and his..." At this, Taehyung pauses, his face scrunching up in confusion, "And his minion? I'm not entirely sure what Hobi hyung's supposed to be. I think he said he was a dragon, or something."

      Taehyung shrugs.

      "Not that it matters to me, the hero!" His eyes narrow in concentration once more, focused solely on his important mission, "I will rescue Princess Jimin either way, dragon or not!"

      "Princess Jimin?" Yoongi snorts, now visibly struggling to keep quiet.

      "Yes, her majesty Princess Jimin." The hero peeks out over the top of the couch, his eyes darting down one hallway, then the next, "The most beautiful maiden in all the lands. It is said that the emperor promised her hand in marriage to whoever shall save her from this demon's clutches!"

      "And that's a good thing?" 

      "Come out! Come out, wherever you are, little hero!" A booming voice shakes the foundations of the earth, shattering glass and sending buildings around them to the ground. Taehyung, the brave little ninja boy, is the only one who stands his ground against the terrible noise, "Face me, or let your beautiful princess face the fear of death alone!"

      "Hey, keep it down!" Yoongi whisper shouts to the mysterious voice down the hall, completely unaffected by the falling fragments of buildings, raging fires and screaming children all around him. The hero decides the his hyung must be immortal if the man has escaped all the chaos without even a scratch. "The real princess is trying to sleep!"

      "Oh, sorry!" The terrifying voice apologizes in a whisper. The Samurai master clears his throat, then continues in a much quieter tone, "Come out and face me like a man before I lock her beautiful face in the eternal dungeons!"

      "Don't you dare stuff me in the washing machine one more time, Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin snarls frigidly. His voice slightly muffled this time, meaning that the Samurai master had probably attempted to gag the poor, beautiful maiden, "I know you think I fit, but I'm not supposed to bend that way!"

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