Sleep talking

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"I'm so sleepy. I can't even keep my eyes open for the surprise quiz and I don't even care if I failed the paper." I yawned for the millionth time today but it's only been a few hours. The party and the drama took all my sleep from me and now it's haunting me in the daytime.

"You don't have to tell me twice. My eyelids are extremely heavy that I almost bumped into the principal this morning." Maya whined as she leaned on the lockers with her eyes closed. I didn't get enough sleep from accompanying Violet to cry her eyes out and be depressed at the lake but for Maya it was something very different with her mate and her long crush.

"Here! Two hot mocha freshly bought from the cafeteria." Gwen came rushing to us with her adorable pigtails in a tiny bun. She was dress in knee-high jean jumpsuits with a soft apricot makeup that displayed her innocent and feminine face.

"You're a life saver." Maya was in a black skinny jeans and a hoodie that reeks of Jackson but it wasn't left unnoticed that her scent has changed.

"Lets get something to eat. I'm starving!" Gwen pulled us. She was a bit too cherry on the top today especially with what happened yesterday. I just bought myself chocolate pudding to fill up my tummy until school ends.

"I haven't seen Ted the whole day." Maya voiced out as she laid down on the grass as we eat our lunches at the school field.

"Me neither." I told her and took a brief glanced at Gwen since she would usually be hyped when we speak about Ted but today she was quiet, too quiet but too smiley. It seemed like she's hiding her emotions (better yet her heartbreak).

"Gwen?" I called her but it took awhile for her to answer back and by the time she did a fake cheerful smile was plastered on her face.

"I haven't seen him either." She took a quiet bite of her lunch and continued to be in a dazed. Me and Maya glanced at each other and wondered about our little friend here.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm great. Totes. Why would you ask a silly question, silly?" She wasn't even talking like herself.

"Because you're acting weird and you're freaking us out with that smile." Maya bluntly told her with a 'duh' tone.

"I'm always like this. Maybe your heads are a little messed up with your sleep deprived state." She chuckled it off and acted like everything was normal and in their rightful places.

"Okay. Gwen, split it out before we gut it out ourselves." Maya ignored her every words and stared eye to eye.

"Ted found his mate and he might end up with her. Leaving you with your dead fantasies of being together till you die old." Maya went savage on her like it was nothing but breathing.

"It's okay to be sad. It's something everyone goes through with." 

"Easy for you to say. You actually ended up being with your childhood crush." Now, the dark side (her true emotion) of Gwen was finally resurfacing.

"Okay, fine. Then don't compare your situation to me because maybe in this world I'm the 1% of being able to end up with their long crush." Maya was agitated with the remark but she kept it in control.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to insult you or anything. It just it hurts to imagine him with someone else after years of crushing over him but it hurts more with what happened yesterday. He looked like a lost like everything just crumbled down right in front of him." She explained which was a bit surprising. I've never knew her love for him was this pure and innocent, she's heartbroken but she worries more about him than her. 

"We all worry about him. I've been trying to get to him since this morning." I've sent hundreds of messages to his phone but he still remains quiet and missing. 

"I just hope his okay and alive." Maya sighed.

"We all can just hope for not the worst."

"So are you really fine?" I asked her again.

"I'm better than Ted and I'll live. It's just a high school crush and I'll get over it. So both of you don't worry and go bald." She chuckled.

"Thanks for making me saying it out loud. It's a bit shocking seeing him go mad and wild yesterday. I've never seen that side of him but mate bond tends to bring your craziness out." She joked.

"I would do the same if I found out my other half's sleeping with someone else." She looked up to me with sympathy.

"You're really strong, Elly. I can't imagine the pain you've been through especially when you're alone." Maya squeezed her strength to me.

"And I just hope Ted stays strong." I told them.

"In those dark days, I had Jack and Ted helped me and I want to do the same to him." We all agreed.

"Let's find him after school." Gwen suggested.

"Now that everything's sorted out, let me sleep." Maya laid down and closed her eyes. I did the same until Gwen just had to spoil it.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but lunch's almost over." She glared at Gwen.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Maya asked me and somehow we clicked.

"What?" Gwen asked at our mischievous smiles.

"We'll tell you if only you keep it a secret and cover up for us." From her changed expressions, we both knew she understood what we meant.

"Since I'm your best friend and a very brilliant one at that. I'll help both of you play hooky and spend your day sleeping." We cheered and gave her a big hug. Now, all we need to do is find a secret spot to sleep without getting caught.

"And since my mom's not home or if she was which she won't mind, surprisingly. I'll let both of you bunk there for a bit but you have to promise me you'll help find Ted after school." We nodded to her agreement.

"We won't let our other friend drown himself in despair." I told her and she gave me her house keys.

"Just don't get caught." She prayed and we went our separate ways after taking some stuff from our lockers.

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