A month Later

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"Keep up, human- Elizabeth." Max fixed up my nickname as we ran in the forest early in the morning as usual. It has been a month now and I've been able to keep up with the training but I wasn't as good as them yet.

Max had been nice to me and I could see Clyde was also warming up to me. He would always secretly glanced my way to see if I was there. He scolds me a lot but most of them were helpful advice.  At the end of the day, he was just a teddy bear covered by the tough guy facade.

"Good job everyone." He said and looked at me. I smiled satisfied. It had been a long painful month and it had been paying off.

"Good job, Elly." The others patted my back as we walked to the forest. By now, I was already closed with the warriors and they would always treat me like a baby. 

"Jax, you owe me ice cream later." I shouted at the green hair guy with grey eyes. He dyed it just because of his favourite Youtuber and I think it suits him after awhile. At first, I couldn't help but imagine there was a garden on top of it. 

Speaking of garden, I'm getting used with the gardening with the help of Grandma Jamie. She would sometimes sit down at the garden with her tea and biscuits while I do the gardening. She was a nice lady and I would sometimes hang out at her place when I missed my family because her house was like home. It had shells everywhere, she loves collecting them and her house was decorated just like the ocean. Blue everywhere and aquarium with adorable but ugly fishes. Even her clothes screamed sunbathing at the beach. She would wear colourful sundresses even though it was a gloomy day and sometimes a beach hat when it's sunny.

She told me that her mate was from Pearl Pack but he died a few years ago with their son because of a shipwreck when they both went swimming. Now she lives alone but sometimes her daughter would come by, who apparently is coming back this week.

"Fine." He groaned and I laughed. We had a bet that who would reach the pack house first and obviously I won. I cheered and stretched my body to get ready for the sparing training. 

"Today, we'll be training in our wolf form." Clyde said and everyone cheered. They said that shifting and letting your wolf out was the best feeling ever. It feels like your body has been lifted, adrenaline pumping and the feeling of being free.

"Elly! Catch." Jack called and threw me a sword. 

"Jack! You could have killed me." I glared daggers at him and he laughed.

"Thankfully it didn't" He replied back with a wink. He's now trying to kill me at every turn, oh the days when he would think I was a porcelain doll and would be every so careful when training me. Those easy and peaceful days.

"Yeah. You should thanked me that I have pretty set of skills." I proudly said and he just rolled his eyes at me. I played with the sword in my arm. It was heavy and I had to use more energy to swing it.

"This is going to be one hell of a training." I said as I watched the others shifting into their huge wolf. The were twice as big as me and I only have a sword to fight but that was what made it even better.

I never used a sword before and we never trained in wolf form before but I loved it when we learn something new. 

"Ready?" I said to Jack and he wagged his tail at me as if this was child play.

We cautiously moved in circles - to predict what we're going to do. I could see Jack smirking with every step I took. The circle was getting smaller and the sword in my hands became more familiar to my body - the weight, the feel of the steel, the reflection of the surrounding on the sword and the sharp edge. My body hummed together with the sword as I took a finally swing in the air.

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